𝟬𝟬𝟯. swap

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Keira entered the school, she was already late— Jonathan had always been the one to pick her up but all of sudden he was nowhere to be seen that morning.

She hurried to her locker, quickly to no longer be even more late.
"Keira!" Someone called out, she turned to look there way.
It was Jonathan rushing towards her.

"Hey," He spoke out once he finally reached her, trying to catch his breath, "I'm really sorry— I completely forgot, last night was-"

"Jonathan," She stopped his rambling, "It's fine, really." She chuckled at his worried face.

He drew his hands down his face, sighing.

"So what happened last night that kept you so distracted?"  She shut her locker, eyeing him playfully.

He looked down— his cheeks turning red. "Nothing-"

"I can tell when you're lying Jonathan." She sang, walking together towards Keira's class.

Jonathan looked fidgeted with his hands in his pockets, "I went back to the party, and I took Nancy home. That was it." He shrugged.

Keira frowned her brows at the slight confusion, "Nancy? Wasn't she there with Steve?"

"That's what I think, but when I got back he had left and I found her in the bathroom alone." He decided to hide the fact that she was crying on the toilet, wanting to keep her stuff private.

"Is she okay?" Steve had left Nancy alone, and just to come see me. Keira couldn't believe it.

"She was just really drunk. She made me stay with her, that's why I forgot to pick you up." He explained.

"Did anything happen?"

"No, of course not." He shook his head. "She's doing better, I just don't know what she sees in that asshole."

"Yeah," Keira looked down, contemplating whether telling him what had happened last night— she knew he wouldn't like it. His best friend and his most disliked person kissed, it wouldn't be a good start to the day.

"Alright I'll see you after class." He smiled one last time towards her and left her at the doorway of her class.

For once, Steve had made it early to class, he always managed to be late— by picking up Nancy and making out until she convinced him to go to class. But today was different. For the first time in 2 years, he didn't pick Nancy up, her words that she told him last night rummaged through his head— he didn't want to see her nor talk to her.
The only girl on his mind at the moment— which was bugging him entirely, was Keira.
Right when she walked in, Steve's slumped self on the chair tapping his foot anxiously, sat straight up.

Keira noticed Steve as well, his stare on her was extremely prominent.

She sat down and instantly he leaned on his desk, "Keira." He whispered as the teacher talked.

She turned to him, her eyes glancing down to his eye bags. Probably the drinking, she thought.


"Can we talk?" He whispered once again.

She kept her eyes to the front before sharply turning to him, "You left Nancy, while she was drunk to come see me?" She spat in almost a question form.

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