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⬆️beartooth- in between ⬆️ *some scream in the begging if u don't like it don't listen

Alex pov.

"Hey potato I'm home" the all to familiar voice woke me up,followed by the sound of the front door unlocking.

I must have fallen asleep. looking around I was still tied up and the rope had carved a slight red line into the thin pale skin on my wrist.

"Psst, PSst, PSSt" I said slowing getting louder in a attempt to wake up a sleeping roman.

"Hey bitch" i slipped off my left shoe just enough so that I could fling it at him, possibly hitting his head.

Well that failed because it slipped, not flying into his head but slamming into his family Jewels a little hard that what I was going for.

His reaction had me in a fit of laughter. instead of waking up and immediately rolling on the floor in pain he popped up and looked around it some weird karate stance.

"What who's there what ow motherfu.."his voice muffled as realization hit him.

Roman crouched to the ground putting one hand on the wall for balance. "Alex" I looked up shocked to see a equally confused Jamie dropping her back as she walked into the mess that just occurred.

"Ur tied the pack house......and that sack of potatoes is on the floor"she pointed to roman."it would seem so"

"And ur shoes over I even wanna know?". "Um probably not".
Once roman got his man feelings together and untied me thx to Jamie's persuasion, we decided to fill her in our day apart from the reason I was in the hospital.

Luckily Leo seemed to have not filled him in the reason which I was thankful for.

Jaime got pissed finding out I had been kidnapped so she walked roman upside the head.but I stopped her from going upstairs at beating the crap out of leo.

i also had put two and two together and figured out they were mates which wasn't all that hard as they started having a cuddle party on the couch.

"My eyes, my poor eyes" I laughed. "I think I'm gonna go to sleep, I'm exhausted" Jaime had been giving
Me the "get out of here" probs so they can do matey things look.

I walked up the stairs going over everything in my head. Jaime was a wolf, roman was her mate. that weird scent I smelled was wat another wolf smells like,same as that man and the child he adopted from the akuma house.

I stopped on the stairs, tightening my grip on the rail. I hated that about myself how any seemingly innocent moment could turn into a recollection of pain.

I shook my head of the thought and kept walking up the winding stair case and onto the 3rd floor.

Looking over roman and Jaime had disappeared from the plush gray couch to who knows where.

They were honestly perfect for each other. they way the moved and spoke was very in tune, everything more as if they were 1 person other than 2

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