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⬆️black veil brides- lost it all⬆️
they would only allow me this one with Spanish subs

Alex pov.

"What the fuck is that" I looked at leo the rage clear in his eyes. they started switching from there dark blue to a navy almost black color and they just got darker till his once deep ocean eyes were now coal colored

I couldn't say anything it was like I had instantly became a mute. I started shaking slightly from nervousness and fright

It was the same feelings one would have speaking in front of a auditorium of people, except I wasn't speaking and it was only leo who was seemingly starring a whole threw the shirt I wore.

He had seen it. the scars that were sketched on my skin. the marks from self harm and torture.

It must have been unsightly. seeing such marks he was probably disgusted. I had come to love my marks they were like a permanent journal that I could carry anywhere and only I could decipher them.

I had stopped being so self conscious but some how the way he was looking at me made me uncomfortable with them and the thought of hiding away crossed my mind

Finally after the long silence leo said "why ? How the hell do you get these" as he crossed the room over towards me until we were a foot apart

I was still uncomfortable being close to him no matter how much my body was telling me to get closer.

Leo grabbed the hem of my.. well actually his shirt and lifted it just above my belly button in order to get a glimpse of the scars

The quick motion startled me I didn't like people touching me and the feeling of being raped was still all to present in my mind.

I swatted his hand away and fell back on to the ground shaking as I held my legs to my chest

He gave me a look of pain as he retracted his still outstretched hand. "I'm sorry, I'm....ill just go get you something to eat"

Then he walked out the door his face still confused and upset. I kept my head down as I waited for the sound of his feet hitting the floor to disappear

I Slowly lifted my head up to peer out over my tightly tucked in legs. well that fucking sucked I thought to myself.

not only was I going to have to leave but now I had to leave knowing he probably finds me disgusting and that he probably thinks I hate and am repulsed by him

It was obviously the opposite I liked him already just seeing him, smelling his scent and feeling ing his soft scent infused shirt on my skin was enough to drive my wolfs crazy.

It would be hard leaving him and even harder to know that he was probably going to be okay with it.

I started rubbing my arms to try and stop the shaking. but it didn't do much.


But it was hard. werewolves have a tough enough time keeping there emotions together whether it's anger, sadness, love, or fright all the same our emotions are heightened

Now take a werewolf with the emotional stability of a pregnant women add some extra fucked upidness meaning memories and a demonic wolf with the emotional stability of a schizophrenic patient who needs blood to calm her down that's basically what I was

No matter how normal I may seem or act or even speak my head was a assortment of crazy.

When he touched me my mind pictured ever rape scene that black had inflicted me with. it was a broken record of memory's no matter how much I wished for them to stop they wouldn't.

I shakily stood up bringing my sanity device with me. opening the bathroom door I sat down against the white wood door of the locked bathroom door.

The quite was chilling yet soothing . I took the new silver blade and held it up to the fluorescent bathroom lights

It shined and the light bounced off onto the light gray bathroom walls. I shifted my body to grab a towel to place on my lap as I stretched my legs out feeling the cold stone tile against my feet.

Grabbing my phone and headphones I blasted my favorite band black veil brides.

For those who are wondering I don't always cut for the "joy" of it I mostly do it for thorns sake without the smell of metallic in my system she would never calm down and no matter how much she and I didn't want to we would end up killing a wolf in order to get blood

One of blacks little weapons to make me a werewolf killer was that even if I didn't want to i craved wolf blood

So in order to replace it I cut myself but drinking it repulsed the human and wolf part of myself

Taking the blade I looked down at my white skin to find a empty spot on my arm then slowly dragged the silver blade across. the dark red substance slowly leaked out, pooling up until I cut farther and it leaked over the side of my arm

It was somewhat warm and it dropped off and onto the white towel that was draped across my lap.

White towels... yea I know. the maroon liquid dripped on the towel ruining it as the pure white started having red splotches

The smell was intoxicating. metallic and a slight saltiness. I could feel thorns presence sinking back like a baby being held by her mother she cuddled back into my mind.

So sorry it's been so long this month is crazy. Please don't hate me 🙏 XD

✖️If you have any favorite bands or songs comment them and I'll put some up above⬆️

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