ᴏʀᴇᴏ . 🌚

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y'all will hopefully see why i named the chapter oreo by the end ..

an hour goes by &' we all meet up again , i didn't tell them i talked to chris or anything because i knew somebody would be jealous &' i didn't want that , so i just kept it to myself for now ..

lee - so what y'all been doin ?

chloe - talking to this guy , you know he's pretty cute , considering i don't usually like people .

may - yea i was .. at the food table ..

mateen - i found this girl to talk to , she's cool .

lee - mmhmm .

mateen - what ?

lee - well anyways , ok so what we d -

right as i was finna finish my sentence chris came up behind me .. literally ON MY ASS .

chris - wassup y'all .

may immediately turned red &' started stress eating .

chloe as well turned into a little tomato .

mateen - yoooo , what's good bro .

they shook hands or whatever ..

chris - how y'all doing ?

he said while looking directly at me , i didn't answer though .

mateen - yo i'm good , how you been bro ?

chris - i've been good , you know , damn lee was right about y'all , y'all cool people ..

as he said tht he walked away but held eye contact with me for the longest , or at least tried to .

i forgot we had traded numbers , so when i got a text from him , it through me off , but i found out eventually .

i got a text from him saying -

maurice . 🌚 - come to the back room .

i saw him go back there , so that's the only reason i knew how to get back there .

chloe - who's the message from ?

lee - chloe shut yo ass up .

may - no for real who is it from ?

lee - can y'all mind y'all business .

mateen - ok well i say we come back around 11 or 12 , because i liked talking to her .

by that time it was already 9 so .

lee - sounds nice to me , i'll text y'all .

chloe - lee you better be back by that time or we leavin yo ass .

may - yea , what she said .

wit her stuffed ass mouth .

i walked to the back room while making convo or waving at everyone i passed , so i didn't look suspect .

when i got back there i kid you not i thought about turnin around .

the red led lights were on &' he was just sitting there watching tv .

chris - finally , i thought you left or sum , come sit .

i walked over to him &' his face was unreadable , but i could tell he was happy about something .

chris - so you enjoying your night so far ?

he said as he moved me closer to him .

lee - yes i am enjoying my night , thank you for letting all of us come out tonight , it means a lot to me , that i've actually got to talk to the person i d - i actually got to talk to my idol .

That Perfect Life . | Chris BrownWhere stories live. Discover now