𝟷sᴛ ʟᴏᴄᴀᴛɪᴏɴ . 🎢

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they eventually came back with her stuff &' more , they might've figured since her stuff was gone , there's was too .

they took there showers &' got dressed ( WHICH TOOK FOREVER ) &' we left .

immediately as we pulled out the driveway of the hotel , i got a facetime call .. you'll never guess who it's from .

chris - so you lied &' said you were gonna tell me when y'all were leaving when you really didn't .

lee - are you telling me or asking me ?

chris - i'm asking .

lee - uh no i wasn't lying , we literally just pulled out of the driveway , how the fuck did you know i was leaving right now though ?

i looked around to make sure i wasn't being watched .. you really never know with him ..

chris - what you lookin around for ?

lee - nigga to make sure i'm not being watched .

chris - lee i have your location , it tells me when you leave .

i looked around &' just laughed , i was so shocked this nigga went to the far extreme to share my location with himself .


chris - what's funny ?

lee - your crazy .. share your location with me too then .

he looked at me like i had 5 heads .

chris - no .

lee - ok then .

i stopped sharing my location with him , hung up &' blocked him .

i didn't tell him where we were going i don't think , so i'm good .. i think .

an hour later .

we arrived at universal , it was soooo many people .

it was hot as fuck too .

it was some fine ass niggas out here too ..

me &' chris not together , he never clarified anything , he tried to claim me like i was his , but no .

chloe - damn these boys are handsome .

mateen - nah the girls though -

may - nah the food though -

lee - y'all just obsessed wit anything .

we went to wait in the long ass line to ride this roller coaster .

we got on &' i was lowkey scared because this ride high as hell .

lee - i should've said no .

mateen - it won't be that bad .

may - yea lee just chill out .

it was going up slowly &' i was squeezing may &' chloe's hand really tight because i can't even lie , a bitch was scared .

it ticked when it got to the top &' i took a sigh of relief but before i could even say anything , it fell &' my heart dropped along with my stomach .

That Perfect Life . | Chris BrownWhere stories live. Discover now