ɢᴇᴛᴛɪɴɢ ʀᴇᴀᴅʏ . 🌴

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i had went to sleep immediately when i got in that room , i was tired as fuck .

i didn't get to sleep for long before i heard yelling .. chloe slipped n fell .

chloe - who the fuck put soap on the damn floor ?

i was still ' sleep ' , but i could hear them .

may - we were all sleep ..

may walked in the bathroom where chloe was &' slipped along with her .

mateen - why the fuck would you walk in there too when you heard her fall ?

may - i didn't know it was that slippery .

mateen - well no shit , she fell so what do you think ?

i wasn't even looking at may &' i knew what face she was making .

chloe - sooo who did it ? it's too early to be playing .

may - it had to have been mateen .

mateen - yeah i definitely did it ..

chloe - your bitch ass probably did .

crickets ..

chloe - ok well out you go so i can at least shower .

may left out &' chloe turned on the shower &' i assume she started showering because she soon realized she had no washing products .

chloe - does anybody know where my wash products went ?

it was complete silence until may said -

may - chloe if they're not in there i don't know where they would be because we all keep our stuff in there , but lee .

chloe - well can you guys look for them ?

they would literally never find them unless they looked in my stuff , i was going to throw it away but that's a little far so ..

they looked for a couple minutes &' couldn't find it so they just gave up .

may - we'll just go to the store &' get you some stuff because we can't find it .

mateen - send me the names of the products .

they left &' i woke up , just sitting there on the edge of the bed thinking about chris ..

it had only been a couple hours since he left &' i missed him already .

the shower stopped &' i felt her presence behind me .

chloe - what's on your mind ?

lee - chris ..

chloe - damn it was that good ?

lee - i meant him in general , not his dick .

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