ᴛʜᴇ ʙɪɢ sᴛᴇᴘ .

50 12 1

*Mateen's pov*

I drive back to Zoë's crib to give her phone back.

I don't even mention the text I just saw because it will make me look weird.

But at the same time I should've because I ain't finna get played by some girl I just met.

Fuck I really don't know what to do

I drove back to the hotel

I arrive at the hotel and go to our room

Everybody is asleep

I want to wake somebody up and talk about what just happened but I was tired as well so I slept

Next morning we all eating breakfast

Chloe: Mateen how did the date go

Mateen: Oh yea, it was good

Chloe: You didn't run any "experiments" in my car did you?

I don't hear shit because I'm still in my head thinking bout how I should continue with Zoë

Maybe it was just a misunderstanding

What if that was her brother or something idk

Chloe: MATEEN????

Mateen: Oh what?


Mateen: Bro no wtf

May: Yo you sure you good? You seem a little off

Lee: He's thinking bout something but idk

Mateen: Nah I'm cool I just slept late last night yk

May: Right....

Idek if I should tell them about the text

I mean what if it's all just a big misunderstanding 😀

It could've been her brother for all ik

Fuck no who am I kidding

I need to text her about it

I texted her to meet up at the park right next to her house to "talk about something"

She instantly replied saying shes gonna come (😉)

Lee: Anyways, today is our last day so what are we gonna do?

May: Ooh I know this really cool pla-

Mateen: Shiitttt I gotta go

Chloe: Wtf do you mean?

Mateen: Aye y'all enjoy yourselves

Chloe, Lee, May: .....

I arrive at the park and she's already there waiting onna bench lookin fine ash

She saw me so she got up and we did a lil hug action

Mateen: Hey you look good

Zoë: Heyy you too

Mateen: Look I want to just have a talk with you about something I noticed.

Zoë: Yeah what's up?

Mateen: So when you left your phone in my car yesterday I saw a text-

Zoë: Yes I know. That was my ex and I kept telling him that I didn't want to see him but yk how crazy exes are

Mateen: Yea yea I know. So like it's nothing right?

Zoë: Right

Mateen: Ok well I'm glad. But I also gotta tell you that it is my last day here

Zoë: Wait what?

Mateen: Yea. My flight back to VA leaves tomorrow morning so we gotta discuss what we gon do. I mean we can FaceTime every n-

Zoë: I'm coming with you

Mateen: Huh?

Zoë: I will move to Virginia for you

Mateen: You serious?

Zoë: Yes

Mateen: Nah hold up just think about it for a second. Your career, family, friends, everything. I don't want you losing all that for me.

Zoë: I have thought enough. I really enjoyed our first date together and I know we can't judge our future just on our first date, but no relationship will work if one person doesn't put their all in it. This is me putting my all in.

Mateen: But it's unfair to yo-

Zoë: Mateen. I have thought long enough. I am moving to Virginia with you. This is good for us

Mateen: Damn. Idek what to say

* Zoë kisses me *

Zoë: You don't need to say anything



Got me feeling like "I'll be the boyfriend... in your wet dreaaaaams tonight 😩😩😩"

Put me in that "I'm sprrruuuuuunng" typa mood ya feel me

But yea we movin to Virginia together we a big happy family and shit you already know

Anyways that's it

Ngl I didn't really put much effort into this one because it's kinda just filler

But my next chapter 😈


i'm honestly not ready for this next chapter ..

i wanna see how creative he get tho , bc if he on my level OH LAWDDDDD . 😭

but nah he did good wit this considering he said he didn't try .

~ 𝐥𝐞𝐞 &' 𝐦𝐚𝐭𝐞𝐞𝐧 . 🙂

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