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when we got back to the hotel i immediately texted him that i got there safely , i'm such a kiss ass for him but i don't care .

i was struggling to get out the car , theres no way they didn't notice .

may - lee are you ok ? you look like your limping a little .

lee - nah i'm fine , my legs just hurt from walking so much .

chloe - mm , if you say so .

we went up the elevator &' walked to the room .

i immediately went to the bathroom to see my neck &' boy .. was it bad , it trailed down my whole body .

it was so noticeable in the light too .

i walked out the bathroom thinking i was in the clear ..

may - what's on your neck ?

lee - it's just a bruise .

chloe - lemme see .

she took a close look at my neck &' laughed .

chloe - girl that ain't no bruise , that's a hickey .

may - is that true ?

lee - i think it's time for -

as soon as i was finna finish my sentence , he was calling .

i answered .

chris - come outside .

lee - but -

chris - new , lee .

i hung up with attitude , &' i think he knew that .. i forgot he knew which hotel i was at .

chloe - was that him ?

i just walked out helplessly .

when i got outside i saw him in his car , he was doin that lil hand movement he did earlier , it made me shiver .

i got in the car &' didn't speak to him .

chris - what's the attitude for ma ?

silence ..

he came closer to my ear while grippin my thigh .

chris - i said , what's the attitude for .

i smacked his hand .

lee - nigga my fuckin legs hurt , &' you just made me walk all the way out here .

chris - lemme massage them for you .

lee - mann , what you tell me to come out here for ?

chris - i can't just wanna see you ?

lee - no .

chris - well i did , you seem different . i like you , you cool .

lee - thanks ..

chris - ok but foreal , i just wanted to make sure you got home safely .

lee - ok well as you can see i have , so .

chris - oh come on don't act like you didn't miss me .

he said chuckling .

lee - i didn't , my body was perfectly fine before you came .

chris - ok you may not have but i know -

he stuck his hands in my pants &' pulled them out &' licked them .

chris - she did .

he said wit a lil smirk on his face .

i gasped &' i let out a little moan , i was mad at him but god does he know my weak spots .

chris - exactly so stop tryna act like you didn't .

lee - ok , i may have missed you the slightest bit , but that still doesn't tell me why you're here .

chris - i told you i just wanted to see you .

he said that while rubbing my thighs .

lee - yea but you could've facetimed me or sum .

chris - i wanted to be able to touch you .

i just sat there , looking in his eyes reading him .

chris - but ight i'll let you go ms attitude , i'll see you tomorrow .

lee - tomorrow ?

chris - yea i heard ya friends talking bout it &' i knew you would want me to come so .. nah i'm just kidding , but i will see you tomorrow cause i'll ' facetime ' you .

lee - no you could actually .. come , that would be nice .

chris - if you cool wit it then ight .

lee - yea that's fine .

chris - it's a date then . nah just playing .. unless .

lee - goodnight maurice .

chris - goodnight ma .

i got out the car , struggling &' i could feel him staring at me so i looked back .

chris - what ? i can't look at what's mine ?

lee - yea niggaa , you wish .

he looked at me with a straight face &' was about to get out the car .

lee - stop , sit down , or i'm running .

chris - yo legs must not hurt that bad then , lemme change that .

i laughed .

chris - i'll call you &' you better answer .

lee - or what ?

he got out the car &' ran to me cause he knew i wasn't finna run &' choked me .

chris - or it'll get 10x's worse lee , i promise you it won't be just yo legs n pussy hurtin . i'll make the back of that throat sore too keep playin .

i just looked at him &' smiled .

chris - ight den .

he smacked my ass .

chris - you mine , don't forget that , &' that's for hanging up wit that fucked up attitude of yours .

lee - but you like it though .

i am not his .. as of right now .


y'all me writing this js gives me the shivers cs i'm visualizing this .. lawdddddd - 🌚

~ 𝘭𝘦𝘦 . 🫠

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