𝟸ɴᴅ ʟᴏᴄᴀᴛɪᴏɴ . 🐬

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i woke up the next morning to a text from the group chat .

may . 🖤 - i think we should go to the miami sea aquarium .

chloe . 🖤🤓 - i think that'll be fun .

i love animals .

mateen < 3 - too bad there won't be monkeys . 😔

he so ..

chloe . 🖤🤓 - mateen syau .

mateen < 3 - 🤨 .

so wht time ?

may . 🖤 - we should go around 12, they close at 5 .

damn they close early asl .

just as i said that chris grabbed my hips laying his head on my lap .

may . 🖤 - be ready lee , cause i know how you get .

but it's only 10 ..

may . 🖤 - you gone need that 2 hours .

😂😂 , ok .

i got out of bed &' started brushing my teeth &' started on my hair .

i heard chris get up &' come to where i was .

chris - where you going ?

his voice just made me wanna melt .

lee - my friends wanna go to this aquarium today .

he came beside me &' started brushing his teeth too .

chris - i can't come ?

he said making a pouting face .

lee - of course you can , i just didn't know if you'd want to .

chris - of course i wanna go , if you going then yes .

i smiled .

lee - ok well what are you gonna wear ?

i checked the weather .

lee - it's gonna be pretty hot ..

chris - i'm probably just gonna wear some white shorts , white t shirt &' a white hat .

when he said that i just stared at him , imagining him in that .

that white hat really be doin sum to me .

chris - so what are you wearing ?

i snapped back to reality once again .

lee - oh i don't know , probably some shorts &' a white crop top wit my forces .

chris - i need to see these shorts before you put em on for good .

i looked at him like ' 🤨 '

chris - baby you know how i get when people look at you the wrong way .

lee - chris it's ok , they cant touch me unlike you so it don't matter .

as i said that he started rubbing my shoulders .

chris - i know ma , but i wanna be the only one that can look at you too .

That Perfect Life . | Chris BrownWhere stories live. Discover now