loose my breath

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Beyoncé Giselle Knowles

Beyoncé had never been in love before.

Infact, "Love" was an odd topic for her.

She didn't receive it much growing up, so naturally she didn't know what to do when she did experience it.

Which was ironic, because Beyonce was an avid erotica author.

Shes never written about love though.

because Sex, within itself was diverse. There were so many elements to it, love could possibly be one—but often it isn't. Beyoncé believes a need and a want are two separate things. She often believe you don't need sex, you want it. So much that it can be confused with a need.

Her very small circle of friends always tell her that she needs to get out, and stop writing porn in her study. But it was her job.

To Beyoncé it wasn't just porn. Even the word caused a deep irritation to erupt from her.

Porn was catered to the male gaze, often was and Beyoncé rarely ever consumed it for that reason. Beyonces work wasn't porn, it was art.

And because of that—she was having art block.

Her publicist, aka her best-friend Kelly has been pressuring her to create new material. Beyoncés books sell out pretty quickly, because of the mystery surrounding them.

It's not just a quick fuck in her books, a lot of the time it's forbidden lust. And it creates a particular rise out of people. No one knew her actual name, Beyoncé was never one to plaster her face on the internet. She wasn't embarrassed of what she wrote, she'd tell people her occupation with no problem if asked. She just likes imagining the mystery of just "B.K" listed as the author on her books.

But Beyoncé's ran into a bit of a problem. She can't create anything new. Anything exciting. Beyoncé wrote for herself, not her audience. If her readers found something attractive—or hot that was because Beyoncé herself found it pleasing. She could never write about anything she, herself didn't find some what pleasure-able.

Which is why she never wrote about men.

She sat in her study, clicking her pen over and over. Surrounded by the books on her walls by some of the greatest Erotica artist. But even with that, she stared at the very blank page in her journal.

"Fuck." She mumbled, tossing her pen on the cherry wood L desk. She placed her elbow on the arm of her chair and held her cheek in her hand.

She was frustrated.

Beyoncé incorporated many things shes experienced in her books with a touch of fantasy. Which is why it caters to Lesbians. She's had several experiences with woman, but lately the well has run dry.

Beyoncé didn't have a wife, or a girlfriend, or even a women she found interesting enough to fuck.

As she got older Beyoncé started to notice a change within herself. She'd find people attractive—but she wouldn't fuck them. When she was younger she'd have sex with atleast 2 different women a week. It was hot, it was fantastic to 21 year old Beyoncé.

But 28 year old Beyoncé found it boring.

Then again she hadn't been at a bar in forever, or any kind of outing.

She needed something new.

Something passionate.

Something that left her breathless.

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