rock the boat

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warning: smut

rock the boat -aaliyah

beyonce loved her home state—it bringing back memories from her childhood. her being a little girl, running around with a huge smile on her face with her little sister, riding her bike in her neighborhood, riding her first bull—it was all nostalgic.

what did she hate about it?

the damn heat.

her and her girlfriend of 3 years are traveling to Texas, they couldn't book a flight to texas so currently they're on a road trip in the back of a van that they rented to fit all of their belongings. they were going to be staying with beyoncés parents for about thanksgiving 3 weeks.

beyoncé and onika loved each other—they've been through a lot together—but something that got the both of them irritable was the heat. and they were like 2 firecrackers in an inclosed space when they were both irritated.

they had been traveling for about 5 hours, and they were close to Louisiana. night time began to fall, and onika parked off to the side at an abandoned road for a break. she sighed softly, she was just tired of staring at the road for the last 5 hours. they agreed to switch every few hours so the other person could take a nap or just a break.

onika looked over to a passed out beyonce who was sleeping in the back. she sighed and turned to shake her, "bey.." she whispered. the blonde groaned, "fuck off." she mumbled. onika was used to beyoncés attitude—because beyoncé was used to hers. but in this heat, and this long ass drive? she wasn't having it.

"get your ass up." she said seriously shaking her again and beyoncé let out a louder, more dramatic groan as she got up abruptly and glared at onika with messy hair. "what the fuck onika?!" she exclaimed and onika rolled her eyes. "it's too damn hot for you too be sleeping your ass off. i've been driving since we left home." onika stated.

she wasn't exactly physically tired but she was just tired of driving. beyoncé groaned, "onika I want to go back to sleep." Beyoncé groaned and Onika scoffed. "and I want you to get your ass up here and switch places with me yonce." she said annoyed.

beyonce hated driving, onika didn't exactly mind it. but seeing beyoncé was the one that claimed they'd switch out every few hours and now she simply won't—is pissing her off.

"i don't want to switch places." beyoncé whined and onika rolled her eyes. "there ain't no way in hell i'm letting you force me to drive another damn 5 hours." onika stated and beyoncé thought for a moment. she looked onika in the eyes, even in the dark car she could see those hazel swirls staring at her.

"I don't have to force you—I just have to..convince you." beyoncé said and onika quirked an eyebrow. "what the fuck are you talking about?" she asked, agitated.

beyoncé just grinned.


"you like that?" beyoncé asked, whispering in onikas ear. currently, beyoncé had onika in the very back of the van, bent over with her back arching. she was caressing her ass and onika let out a shaky breath.

"beyoncé, you better stop playing. because if you don't fuck me good enough i'm taking a nap in the back if this damn van." onika said seriously, turning to look beyoncé in the eyes. the blonde resisted rolling her own eyes, "you can be such a bitch sometimes I swear." Onika mumbled and that's what beyoncé pushed down on her back to make her arch deeper.

she leaned foward to whisper in her ear, "you callin' me bitch, but i've claimed you as mine a long while ago." she said and onika shivered, biting her lip. "go fuck yourself." onika spat, the shorter woman was a total brat. not only in general but in bed, it turned beyoncé on.

beyoncé let her hands wander to inbetween onikas legs, collecting some of onikas pre-wetness and spreading it. not only over her clit, but she went a bit further and pressed her thumb to onikas second entrance.

"which hole should I fuck? you wanna choose baby girl?" she asked, kissing the shell of onikas ear.  onika let out a shaky breath as she tried to give her a response, but it came out as an incoherent string of words.

"i'm happy I couldn't understand that—I wasn't going to let you choose anyways." beyoncé said simply before inserting two fingers inside of onikas pussy, she could feel her slickness all over her fingers. and her pussy clenched from beyoncé just entering her. she liked when onika was dominant—but she loved it when the shorter girl was underneath of her whimpering on the brink of tears.

she moved quickly, inserting her fingers in and out. sometimes she'd fully remove them just to spread onikas fluid all over her pussy and then entering her again. she was moaning loudly at the point, beyoncé wasn't slowing down.

"b-bey—hold the fuck on.." she tried and beyoncé clicked her tongue repeatedly. "nuh uh uh." she teased, she knew onika—she knew she only ever squirted. and she always got a bit embarrassed about it. "bey you know i'm g-gonna—ruin the back of this damn van." she whispered, she was shaking—she was so damn close.

because beyoncé was hitting all the right spots, and when she added a third finger and bit the shell of onikas ear as she grunted—onika was on the edge. "squirt for me. cmon'. I wanna see your shit spray everywhere—slut." she whispered. she spreaded her fingers inside of onika—and that did it for her.

her legs began to shake, a knot had formed in her stomach, her eyes rolled into the back of her head and her muscles began to get weak and unsteady. beyoncé wasn't stopping there, she was chasing a prize. the prize was seeing her girlfriend squirt in the back of this rented van.

"b-bey!" she shouted before squirting, beyoncé felt her spray onto her hand and she grinned and kissed her shoulder repeatedly as she continued to release. her legs shook so much that beyoncé had to hold her up by her waist with all of her strength. she could hear onikas deep breathes, she knew she did a number on her.

"it's okay, breath." she said softly and onika sighed as she beyoncé slowly removed her fingers, and kissed onikas neck. she knew the girl was tired from what she had just done, she pulled back and watched onikas leg wobble as she attempted to turn around and sit normally.

"f-fuck bey. i doubt I can move now." she mumbled a bit irritated and beyoncé laughed as she looked down at her hand, it was covered in onika. she looked at the perpetrator who was still breathing heavily, beyoncé places her fingers on her bottom lip.

the two shared a glance, it was beyoncés way of telling her to open. she opened her mouth slightly and beyoncé slid her fingers in, onika licked them clean off. sucking as she looked in beyoncés eyes and the blonde bit her lip. she leaned in and kissed onika right afterwards, it was passionate and soft after the rough fucking she had just done.

"I think ill drive." beyoncé said and onika glared at her. "you—you fucked me so i would be convinced to drive!" onika exclaimed and the blonde pulled back an shrugged. "I don't know. this woke me up pretty well." she said with a cheeky grin and onikas eye twitched.

"i'd sock you if i wasn't tired." she mumbled and beyoncé giggled.

"don't worry you'll get your payback later." she said lastly before kissing onika on her lips, and climbing in the front seat with a grin on her face as she started up the car and winked at her girlfriend in the rear view mirror.

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