the half of it

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Houston, Texas

Beyoncé Giselle Knowles

Living in a small conservative town in Houston, Texas provided an innumerable amount of challenges for a young black girl like Beyoncé. The casual microagressions were bad enough, but then she had to go ahead and be a nerd that likes girls as well.

Beyoncé dealt with it though. What more could she do anyways? The young girl was just focused on getting the hell out of that town. She's fantasized about moving several times, maybe she'd go up to Austin Texas—or maybe she'd move out of the state as a whole.

She often fantasized when she didn't want to focus her energy on her surroundings, which was often the case at school.

She sat at lunch, alone as usual. She preferred to be by herself, she got agitated easily—anyone talking for too long about something pissed her off. She ate lunch outside, it rarely rained and it was never really cold so she always traveled to the benches outside of the school. There was a specific one that was away from all the chaos and classic high-school cliches, and she sat there by herself most of the time.

Key word: Most.

"Bey-yawn-sayyyy!" She heard someone sing and she groaned as she placed her sandwich back in the back and gave an irritated expression to the destroyer of her peace. She was a bit surprised to see the person in-front of her but she didn't show it.

"Aubrey." She stated. She didn't exactly greet him, he just sat next to her. Aubrey was the complete opposite of Beyoncé. He was sociable; he was friends with atleast half the school. So he never really had time to focus on one friend—beyoncé included. "So how's my best friend doing?" He asked and Beyoncé side eyed him.

"We haven't spoken since spring of Junior year. It's fall." Beyoncé stated with a blank expression and Aubrey cringed, Beyoncé was always cold—but you could really tell when she didn't want to speak to you. She was like bug replant. But for people.

"Okay—true but I still consider you a friend!" He said with a grin and Beyoncé looked at him with a look that displayed that Beyoncés bullshit meeter was going off the charts. "Uh huh. A friend you left for that team full of meat heads? Right." Beyoncé mumbled and Aubrey sighed, "Oh come on—I'm sorry alright? I just got busy.." He said. Beyoncé scoffed.

"Busy being a jock? You already had no brain it didn't take much work for you to fit in." Beyoncé said and Aubrey groaned, "You still have that amazing sense of humor huh?" He asked and Beyoncé shrugged. "As always Graham." She said before finally taking a bite of her sand-which, coming straight from her brown paper bag.As she chewed and swallowed she decided to speak up once more.

"So what do you want? You failing a class?" Beyoncé asked. Beyoncé was quiet and kept to herself, but thanks to her annoying teachers that love to use her as an example of a good student a lot of kids unfortunately know how smart Beyoncé is. So they try bribing her for homework answers, or even threatening her.

Neither methods have worked because Beyoncé simply does not care enough. She's the definition of unbothered.

From the way Aubrey looked away for a second and then smiled nervously she knew her theory was right. He wanted something.

"Spill." She stated. He bit his lip and Beyoncé rolled her eyes, "It's too damn hot for you to be acting annoying. I'll leave right now." Beyoncé sat and Aubrey knew she was dead serious and he let out a low sigh, before turning to her fully. He seemed serious and nervous about whatever was about to fall from his mouth.

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