we found love

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we found love - Rihanna

i'm not sure when this exactly takes place but think of industrial revolution lol

this is very old i wrote it originally like last year n never relased it. some of y'all said you would like it—it's BAD but i try to give y'all want y'all want


Beyoncé was a quiet woman. She lived by herself in a cottage, surrounded in a field of flowers and fruits and veggies that she'd pick often and use to her disposal. She had a stable near her that housed her farm animals that she took care of each day. She was happy that she could live in piece as an adult—now that the war her land was involved with had officially seized just over a year ago.

She was happy about it, Beyoncé was only 20 years old and living on her own now. Her caregiver had died—and Beyoncé was left with his cottage. She thanked her father each day she could. Even when he was no longer physically there.

One night it was raining, Beyoncé lived in the northwest. Due to the wet winters and dry summers, a temperate forest had grown near her fields and home and she didn't mind. She thought it made everything more secluded.

She sat at her fireplace, clad in wool socks and a thick sweater she had knitted herself along with crocheted pants. She drank her tea as she looked down at the book she read. She always trie does fixing the skill—she didn't grow up with the luxury of learning how to.

She heard a slight thud which startled Beyoncé. she was always more alert, she was a woman living by herself in a cottage—and growing up during a time where soldiers would knock down your door and demand a place to stay while they fought in a senseless war—she couldn't take any chances.

She glanced to the loaded gun hoisted up on her dark wooden wall. She has never touched it, but she was tempted to. She swallowed the lump that had found itself in her throat. She reached for the gun, carefully taking it off the wall while listening to heavy rain outside—the thunder didn't even make her flinch. She focused on the sound of her fireplace cracking—as she stepped towards the door slowly.

She let out a shaky sigh before gripping the gun just how her father taught her. she was trained with it—though she's only used it once. She walked to the door slowly with much caution.

the floorboards of her old cottage creaked beneath her with each step she took.

Her mountain dog seemed alert as he watched her owner slowly make her way to the door. He stood up, making it clear he was ready to follow any order that indicated him to attack.

She smiled at him, before looking at the doorknob. She stepped out of the way, she learned that if she did so—and if whatever potential intruder came in she had the upper hand. But she wasn't met with an intruder.

Just the sound of rain as she held a curious look on her face before leaning and looking outside. She saw the rain but her eyes widened.

She saw someone on her porch, seemingly lifeless. Her dog quickly ran to the door and stopped in his own tracks of confusion. He listened to Beyoncé when she waved him off. He sat down, still alert.

She looked around the best she could in the dark for any sign of a trick but she saw none. She directed her eyes to the figure at her doorstep. She gulped before laying her gun down and dragging the individual into her home and closing her door.

She now became a bit worried. Did she drag a dead body into her home?

She crouched down and turned the figure over—and her eyes widened even more.

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