kitty kat

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this is a scrap that i never posted and i'm giving it to y'all because i'm taking too long to write my other stories lol

kitty kat - Beyonce

Have you ever been in love?

Enchanted by someone—immersed with everything they do or have done?

Willing to do anything for the person you love?

Beyoncé was sure at one point—she was in love with him. Completely, and utterly enchanted by she man she happily called her husband for 7 years.

In the last year—she wasn't so sure.

She knew she should have seen it coming, the red flags only become obvious when she takes her red tinted glasses off.

It started when he came home late one night, this wasn't a surprise. He was a business man, Beyoncé respected his work and time. But on this particular night—she was fuming. And Shawn could tell, asoon as he walked into the home they shared together.

The atmosphere was eerie despite all the decorates she had hung up—the rose petals leading up the stairs—the candles that were still lit..the smell of vanilla lingered through his nose and in that very moment as he stood in the doorway he had forgotten to come home to his wide on Valentine's day.

He cursed under his breath, because he knew he was surely going to hear an earful. Asoon as he took another step, the familiar deep, southern but smooth like honey voice he's heard for over a decade had appeared.

"Where were you Shawn?" She asked quietly, he turned his head slowly to their modern stainless steel kitchen, she sat on a stool located at their island. She sipped her red wine slowly, before looking at her husband.

The only lighting in the house appeared to be the candles, making her now bare face leak disapproval.

Her voice was even, and calm. Which shook Shawn to his core, Beyonce wasn't one for excuses. She was a head strong woman, who respected herself.

Something he wasn't doing.

"I don't like repeating myself Shawn." Beyonce spoke, before taking another sip from her wine glass. Her black french tipped nails scraped the glass.

Shawn tried his best to collect his thoughts, "I—I was working late and time escaped me, darling. I'm so very sorry." He said with an apologetic smile as he approached her, all she did was chuckle and shake her head. As if he had told the funniest joke—or the most outrageous information Beyoncés ever been presented with.

"Working late?" She repeated quietly, before resting her cheek in her hand and staring at the man she was slowly falling out of love with. She could see him physically gulp.

"I..yes. Working late. You know how it gets sometimes. Even you work late at times." He said, his best bet was trying to form some relation in their situation. He's worked late before, and shes worked late before.

Beyonce chuckled darkly again, as she looked down at her wine glass. "Do you want to know what I did while you were gone?" Beyonce asked and Shawn didn't answer, as she slowly lifted her head to meet his eyes.

"I called your office about half an hour ago. They said you had left two hours prior." She said and she could see the way Shawn cringed, he was definitely going to get it now.

"two hours. Two hours Shawn. Were were you?" She asked once again, and he gulped. He tries founding ways to escape in his mind but—he came up dry. He decided to try again, with his rope of lies. "I was planning something for us. It was a surprise and I guess I got carried away." He said and Beyonce dryly gulped.

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