loose my breath II

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Onika Tanya Maraj-

lights, shining lights. Fairy lights to be specific, filled the large venue. the sound of laughing filled Onikas ears, along with the soft murmurs of the guest surrounding her table.

She was more focused on the hand placed on her thigh, rubbing his thumb in circles as he laughed and smiled with some of his friends. The faces around her—were blurry. The voices, everything they were saying became so incoherent to her.

Where was she?

Oh right..

A wedding.

that's where she was.

She was at her wedding.

She peered up to look at the sound of a glass clinking, and a older man presenting himself as Onikas father smiling in glee.

"I would just like a moment to say a few words.." He said, his voice booming through the microphone. Onika just watched with a blank face, the fairy lights warm gleam set her skin ablaze. Maybe that, or Safarees—her new husbands hand that was still trailing up her dress that he picked out for her.

Roberts eyes turned toward the couple; and he smiled as the voices all quite down.

"I am so honored to stand up here today, infront of that beautiful couple right there." He said gesturing to Onika and Safaree. Her husband smiled, Onika watched the way his mustache moved with his facial expressions. "Oh, man. I cant give this speech without my new son-and law. Get on up here! It's your night anyways!" Robert expresses and Onika hears the various claps as Safaree slips his hand off her thigh and stands up.

Onika was just happy he wasn't touching her again.

She watched him walk up to her father and smile, and even hug. Her father hasn't hugged her in years.

But he looks at his son-in law with so much aspiration.

He passes the microphone to him, and Safaree smiled a bit fixing his suit. He clears his throat before scanning his eyes across the crowd, "Thank you—really, thank you every single person who showed up tonight for Onika's and I's wedding. This is definitely a night to remember!" He says and he grins at the cheers he receives.

Onika still remains with a blank expression.

"Especially you, Robert. Thank you for allowing me to marry your wonderful daughter. He was actually the one who introduced us! I swear, it was love at first sight." He says looking down, giving the impression that he's blushing—and everyone awes.

Was it really love at first sight?

Was it really love?

She never knew, she loved certain things about him. Past tense. They met in highschool; highschool sweethearts was apparently the right term for them. Atleast that's what her father called them. They didn't even start dating till last year . And now Onikas sitting at a wedding she didn't really agree to. Her father thought it would be best for the company. He believed Onika couldn't work it by herself. And that she needed a man by her side. So he chose him.

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