Episode 1: Henry's Birthday

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~Henry's house~

Oh, it was going to be a glorious day. Not because the weather was nice, although it was bright and sunny outside. It wasn't something that everyone in the city was waking up early for either, rather, for most people, that Sunday was just another regular day during a regular weekend, nothing particularly interesting at all.

Except for Henry, or as he was known for today and for today only (until next year, that is), he had the title of being the birthday boy. Yep, that's right, the tall kid had finally made it to the big one-seven. That awkward age between sixteen and eighteen, when you're not quite an adult yet but you still try to push it--he had just turned seventeen. Three cheers!

This was gonna be a good birthday, he just felt it in his bones from the moment he woke up because this year, he was gonna celebrate with all of his family. And they'd been dropping him some not-so-subtle hints that his presents this time around were gonna be epic, so he really couldn't get out of bed fast enough, or scurry down the hall quick enough.

"Hey! Happy, my birthday! Happy, my birthday!" Henry exclaimed as he appeared at the top of the stairs with the pointy birthday hat on his head that had been ready since the night before. There was his mom and Piper, doing some DIY stuff that was no doubt for his party or just his birthday in general because today was Henry's day and nothing bad could happen.

"Watch out!" Or maybe it could. His mom's warning came a little too late for the boy as he trotted down the stairs, not realising that one of the wooden slats that made up one of the steps was missing. His foot went in the hole and he tripped, painfully. Ouch, he rolled to the stairwell, which wasn't very far down, thank god, but still. Not a good way to start the day.

"I think the stairs are broken." He groaned as he recovered quickly, although nothing could stop the ache in his gut after such a rough tumble. Perhaps the party hat wasn't such a good idea.

"Yeah, dad broke it while chasing a raccoon down the stairs," Piper explained, not showing much enthusiasm but then again, when did she? She'd already been roped into helping her mom with the repair, in her eyes, there wasn't much point in getting overexcited just because her dumb brother had fallen, no matter if it was his birthday.

"A raccoon?" Well, this was Henry's dad they were talking about. If anyone could lure a small, furry trash panda into the house then it would be him. The wackier, the better, usually.

"Oh, don't worry. He trapped it in the fridge." Mrs Hart added as she continued to paste heavy-duty glue onto the back of his wooden slab, the one that would replace the one that had broken on the stairs. Well, what a relief, thank god that animal wasn't prowling the house, looking for its next victim, but what a shame the stairs weren't so damn safe.

"The fridge?"

"Don't worry! We unplugged it and drilled some air holes." Mrs Hart continued as some suspicious chirping noises sounded from the kitchen. What did he think? They weren't cruel, well, maybe trapping in there wasn't a success for animal rights but at least it wouldn't die. And anyway, it's not like they could get it out--the thing was fucking vicious and grabbed at anyone who tried to get close to the fridge to let it out into the backyard.


"Yeah, Animal Control said they'd come get it, but it's Sunday so, it might take a while. They love brunch." The woman explained as she looked at her watch. A while could be hours or fifteen minutes, there was no in-between. So, that raccoon was staying put, for now, no one would dare tackle it.

"Right... So, uh, can I open my presents?" Henry's mind soon turned to something more childish yet understandable. Presents were exciting for anyone and seeing them laid out there on the coffee table just made everything so much more real; there was a bag stuffed full of little things, probably just mini-gifts, y'know, fillers, but then there were some boxes too.

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