Episode 12: The Whole Bilsky Family

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~The Man Cave~

Oh, how good it felt to enjoy a normal evening.

It was dinner time, roughly six PM, and as per his tradition, Ray was sitting in his Man Cave, watching and waiting for the best part of the news to start. He was the Ray Manchester, so of course, he didn't watch the program, that would be madness. Rather, he made a point of waiting until the end of the slot because that's when the stories loosened up and the presenters relaxed, meaning they told some of the funniest jokes he'd ever heard. Jokes so funny that he hated missing them.

That's what he was eagerly staring at the TV and the same-old man and woman as always, Trent and Mary, with his sweet girl in his lap. She was dozing, her face buried into the crick where his neck met his shoulder because she'd heard the important goings-on so the rest of the news was obsolete now. But he didn't mind holding her close to him. Her warmth made his experience all the more pleasant, which couldn't be said for his downright rude friends across the room.

"Authorities at the scene described it as horrifying and highly disturbing... And that's the story of my weekend. Trent?" Ray listened carefully as Mary Gaperman rambled on as she usually did, his gaze on the computer monitor breaking only when (y/n) shifted in her half sleep. A smile twitched on his face at how cute she was, how adorable she became when napping, and he placed a light kiss on her forehead before carrying on watching.

"Uh...breaking news, or should I say—" Trent looked into the camera and just as he was undoubtedly about to say something unbelievably funny, Charlotte turned on a blender across the room. She had Henry, Jasper and Schwoz crowded around her, throwing in random vegetables and other blendables. It was noisy and annoying, the perfect thing to piss Ray off for more than one reason.

"Oh, come on! I missed the pun!" he complained as Mary burst out laughing from Trent's joke that was lost to the racket. And if that wasn't bad enough, his voice was a little louder than he'd first intended, so the ensuing grumble combined with the loud buzz of the blender was enough to shock (y/n) awake and the hero tensed when he felt her jolt. There went the peace.

"What's with all the noise? Shut up!" The woman whined as her bleary eyes blinked a few times when her head picked up from his shoulder. Of course, she heard the noise coming from behind her and what sounded like Charlotte and Schwoz being highly inconsiderate of the nappers in the room but it was her doofus who had to take her weak slap to the pec.

"I'm sorry, darlin', go back to sleep," Ray told her gently, hoping that she could hear him above the noise and his arms curled around her form to encourage her to snuggle into him again. That gave him the chance to turn and glare at the heathens who dared to interrupt his viewing pleasure and her snoozing, "The funny word joke they do at the beginning of the news—"

"Hey, we can't hear what you are saying because the blender is too loud! It's drowning out what you're saying!" Henry yelled, not hearing one word, all he could see was his grumpy boss sitting there with his mouth moving like a puppet. Oh, and an even grumpier (y/n), who lightly whacked her lover again as his voice added to the rowdiness.

"I can't hear the pun and (y/n)'s trying to nap! Turn it off!" Ray snapped at his sidekick and helpers as he leaned over at them, careful to drop or squish the precious girl squirming in his hold. Trying to sleep with the blender on was futile, so it was nice that they did what they were told for once, even if her need to nap was now gone. Still, no one needed to know that; her fiancé was the comfiest bed she'd ever known and maybe sleep would return with the quiet.

"That was your best pun yet!"

"Oh, come on! I'm missing the wordplay!" The hero groaned as he turned back to the news to hear that whilst they'd been puréing everything in sight, the anchors had been making everyone in Swellview laugh bar him. He didn't mean to be so moody and raucous, it was the disappointment that fed his mouth, but whatever had caused his outburst, it still annoyed (y/n) enough to rearrange herself on his lap yet again and mumble angrily in his ear.

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