Episode 41: The Fate of Danger Part 2

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*So, here we are. Finally at the end. Last episode. Last time we officially see Charlotte, Jasper and Piper. Last video I need to watch to write this series. Last time in the Man Cave.

If you've made it this far, thank you for reading! I hope you enjoy the final adventure of our sweet girl in the final episode of Henry Danger. (sobs)

This was a moment (y/n) would remember for the rest of her life. A legendary high point as she braced herself for battle - the deep breath before the cold plunge.

If she looked to her left, she saw Henry. On her right, she saw Ray, both stoically poised to drop onto the Planes-A-Plenty warehouse for the final assault on Drex. She hated leaving the Man Cave, considering it was a ticking time bomb with two of her babies left inside to hold the fort.

Charlotte demanded to stay behind, shooing the heroes off with a valiant, if nervous insistence that stopping Drex's evil plan was their priority, not whatever Henry's dad had accidentally started back home. With Jasper napping on the couch, she said she'd try to buy them some time and stall the chain explosion under the Earth while Piper took them to their final showdown.

Even Ray was apprehensive about leaving the kids behind, even though he only gave Jasper a 'not bad' rating for taking out the cavemen in his sleep. It was the best the kid would get from the hero, although (y/n) knew it would make his day when he finally woke up. He'd rise, and they'd be gone, reluctantly following Piper to the Man-Copter whilst Charlotte frantically tapped away on the supercomputer.

She knew it was useless; once the Irridium crystals were removed, nothing could stop the Man Cave's destruction, but she tried. Shutting off every non-essential system and slowing the spread was all she could do, promising (y/n) to clear out with Colin if things got too hairy.

"You okay, sweet girl?" Ray asked her over the racket of the helicopter. They were just waiting for the opportune moment, ready and standing on top of a crate that Piper would plonk through the roof when Drex least expected it.

Honestly, they didn't have much of a plan - just to go in, kick ass, and use the Omega Weapon to take him down no matter what. This was mainly for dramatic effect and the element of surprise. She just hoped it worked since her mind was elsewhere, thinking about Charlotte, Jasper, the Man Cave, the hostages--it was impossible to focus on the job at hand.

"Bit nervous."

"Hey, we're together. I'll never let anything happen to you, darlin'," the hero replied, eyes softening when she shuffled from foot to foot.

Of course, Captain Man never admitted to any weaknesses. But secretly, he wasn't one hundred per cent confident that everything would be all right. He hated dragging his nearest and dearest into battle, feeling like an idiot for leading her into Drex's clutches. Still, he wouldn't let anything hurt her - or Henry. They were safe with him, and he couldn't imagine doing this without them.

"Love you, doof," (y/n) whispered, threading their gloved fingers together as they prepared to drop. He and Henry grabbed the thick yellow straps lashed to the crate, so the little affection helped keep her balance and nerves.

"Love you too, sweet girl... Whatever happens, we'll be together," Ray smiled, holding to that notion as Henry rolled his eyes. Sappy to the end, but at least it gave them something to hope for. He was thinking of his family and the city he'd spent his entire childhood protecting; his efforts would go to waste if they let Drex win now.

"Hey, lovebirds. You ready?" Piper's voice shouted from the cockpit, alerting the couple to everything happening around them. This was it, and there was no going back as she hovered the Man-Copter over the warehouse before descending.

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