Episode 40: The Fate of Danger Part 1

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*I don't want this series to end. like I'm ready, but at the same time, I'm not. it feels like forever since I started and but it's too soon to say goodbye. but let's go out with a bang. 

here's to the second to last episode of Henry Danger as we prepare to give our sweet girl in the Man Cave a fond farewell <3*

This was it. The showdown. The finale. The greatest fight of their lives.

Or, at least, it would be if they could get on with it.

Charlotte and (y/n) sighed impatiently as they awkwardly hovered around the main room with the Hart siblings. What the girls had in mind was risky and mad but the best they had, so they were itching to share everything with Team Danger - as they called themselves.

Time was running out to meet Drex and stop him before he forced Schwoz to mount the Memory-Wiper on a plane and cleanse the city of every trace of Captain Man's god name. God, they had a lot to get through, ending his evil schemes, bringing Ray home from the past and saving the genius and Bose to boot. It was a tall order, made even more challenging by Jasper running off in a fit of adrenaline-fuelled excitement.

"Jasper, get back here! Charlotte and (y/n) haven't told us their plan yet!" Henry called out to his best friend, still holding his aching ribs after Drex gave them a bootful - literally kicking him when he was down. They couldn't start without him - and (y/n) was practically pawing the ground in anticipation of reuniting with doofus - so where had he gone?

"Sorry...got too excited," his best friend replied, shyly peeking through the secret door after losing his cool momentarily. He leapt back to the side, jumping in next to (y/n) and Charlotte as they rubbed their hands together, ready to divulge.

"Okay, the most important thing we have to do is stop Drex--"

"Find Ray," they said simultaneously, making the girls look at each other because, apparently, despite all their psychic links as two Smarties, they had different priorities. For once, (y/n) couldn't look at the bigger picture as Charlotte did, her vision tunnelling on what was vital for her, not Swellview. Everyone gave her a sympathetic look since she looked so serious. She genuinely thought she'd rather let the world burn than live in it without Ray.

But would he want he to do that? Of course not. He wouldn't want his sweet girl worrying her silly little head over a doofus like him, not for the sake of her good heart.

"Don't worry, (y/n/n). We'll...get to that," Charlotte told her, a warm hand on the small of her back to reinforce her kind smile, even though she wasn't entirely convinced they could guarantee that part of the plan. She didn't know if her boss was still out there or if they'd find him again, but she'd never take her hope away. It was the only thing (y/n) had left to keep her going.

"But the most important thing we have to do is stop Drex."

"Can't be done. Next!" Another doubter. Henry was as nervous as she was, utterly pessimistic after Drex hauled his ass in the air and beat him to a pulp. He could show her the bruises if she wanted, proof that the man was a monster--and annoyingly indestructible. They couldn't touch him, even if they wanted to.

"Technically, although I don't like it, it can be done," (y/n) explained, folding her arms and wrinkling her nose at the thought of facing Drex without her doofus. Still, the girl was right, and Henry was wrong; they could take that bastard down, even if it was perilous.

"Uh, just fought him. Lost. Bad. Remember, (y/n/n)? You were there, so...next."

"If we can take away his indestructibility," Charlotte added, knowing the same thing (y/n) was thinking. Like Captain Man, Drex's indestructibility protected him from harm, making him invulnerable. But Schwoz made no secret that he'd built something that could strip someone of that superpower, pissing the heroine off and making Ray ansty about the thing's existence. They'd never expected it to be helpful.

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