Episode 21: Henry Danger The Musical Part 1

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~ Henry's house~

The sun rose over Swellview, as it did every day, and for Henry Hart, as he slept soundly in his bed, nothing was wrong in the world. He was warm, safe, and snuggled under his bedsheets like nearly every kid in the city on a Saturday morning - silently content that a day of no school meant no work, no responsibilities and, best of all, no alarms.




But, of course, Henry wasn't like most kids, and his Saturdays were never so simple.

His eyes opened slowly and groggily, his sluggish mind clocking that the rude, annoying intrusion on his slumber was his phone. Not one to leave whoever hanging, the kid slid a hand out from under the covers and reached for the vibrating device, vaguely aware that there seemed to be a faint tune playing in the back of his mind.

"What?" he answered with a yawn, forgoing the need to be polite since only Charlotte was ruining his perfect lie-in--only for an excellent reason.

"Henry, you gotta get over here!" she sang at him in an elegant tone that made her friend on the line freeze. Wait, singing? Charlotte never sang, not to him or anyone, and certainly not on the phone at this ungodly hour. Was he still dreaming?

"Why are you singing?--Why am I singing?!" he asked, only to realise that he responded in the same musical rhythm, no matter how much his brain said no. Now that he sat upright and thought about it, the music that had hummed in the back of his mind was thumping in his ears and forcing him to sing along even though he didn't want to.

"Just brush your teeth and get over here!"

"Can you smell my breath through the phone?" the boy grew pale at her instructions, not thinking clearly since he was thinking about a million different things all at once, which all involved his surprisingly good voice.

"What?! No, listen! Someone put a musical curse over this town!" Charlotte told him, stressing every syllable as she sang, and her words caused Henry to frown. Could someone do that? And why?


"Really!" She insisted, causing him to panic about what kind of sicko they were facing here. His thoughts went to everyone else in town; his family, school friends, his work friends, Ray, (y/n), Schwoz, Jasper--were they okay? He didn't know about anybody else, but the woman hated singing in front of others, probably because it brought so much attention; although, according to her fiancée, she wasn't half bad in the shower - an angel, even if he always said that.

"Has it infected everybody else?" the kid asked, his sidekick instincts shining through as his body banished its want for more sleep in favour of duty.

"Go downstairs and see for yourself!" The girl advised him, unable to stop herself from using a high note on the last word as she swept her hand upwards in a particularly musical way. God, this singing stuff was both embarrassing and exhausting.

But she wasn't wrong; the entire Hart household was in chaos and confusion, thanks to the musical curse, and Henry rushed out of bed to get dressed and see the damage. Downstairs, his family prepared for the day as they always did, although all became stunned when the voodoo shit started, turning what was a typical morning into a sing-along.

"Something's going on!" Mrs Hart sang as she waltzed across her home, helpless to stop her feet from skipping across the carpet like she was on stage. And it wasn't just her.

"There's a musical curse over Swellview!" Piper told her mother worriedly, not because she thought she sounded terrible. Oh no, Piper was renowned for being the perfect songstress, but the fact that no one could stop made her face creased with concern.

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