Episode 17: Holey Moley

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Ray Manchester was not an intelligent man. Or at least, no one ever claimed he was.

He had street smarts, the knowledge to beat any guy who crossed him to a pulp, and a fiancée who claimed he had his moments of intelligence. Still, on the whole, his employees would say that he was a doofus. Famously so.

Therefore, when he herded them to Junk-N-Stuff, they weren't surprised when a grumpy, tired, old delivery man dropped off a shrouded painting. Ray's new baby and the second most beloved thing in his life.
The first was (y/n), of course, who raised her eyebrows at the grotesque picture because she hadn't imagined anything so big when he'd said he wanted a portrait of his team.

And what's more, he wouldn't let anyone see it until they got it down to the Man Cave when it could be displayed for all to marvel at, so that's what they did.

In a long struggle that the hero didn't lift a hand to help, Schwoz (y/n) and Charlotte lifted the painting into the elevator, grumbling about how heavy the damn thing was and how he'd threatened to kill them if it got snagged or bumped.

Finally, it was in, so all they had to do was get it back out again once they'd descended, which was easier said than done with a cack-handed, heavy-footed idiot guiding them, who for the entire trip down refused to take his hand off his sweet girl's butt.

"Lift with your backs! Always lift with your back and your neck!" He advised them as they came out of the elevator carefully. Schwoz was out first after Ray, and then Charlotte and (y/n) took the other side, uniting their strength since the younger girl couldn't hold the picture on her own. Why their boss couldn't help was a mystery, and her arms were beginning to tire, much like her friend's patience with her lover.

"What does that even mean?"

"Doofus, you're meant to lift from the knees, not your back!" The girls complained as they shuffled out of the elevator and ignored whatever poor advice the man had to give. No way were they going to tear a muscle or slip a disk for him.

"We're here on a Saturday morning for this?"

"Keep your core as loose as possible!" Whatever Charlotte had to say, Ray ignored it because he had two things to worry about; his beautiful painting, which promised to be perfect, and his precious girl, who he'd promised not to go overboard. Something simple, elegant and understated; a masterpiece that would match their decor and not insult her eyes whenever they had to look at it. So, being a simple, elegant and understated man, he went with that theme and tossed it in the trash.

"Don't tell me what to do with my core," Schwoz hissed and placed the painting on the floor before his spine snapped. Ray could hang it wherever he liked, but he'd finished for the day. That man was so ungrateful, and he felt that (y/n) would scold him for being annoying.

"Am I gonna have to do this thing myself?" Ray asked indignantly, hand on his hips as he frowned at the trio. His sweet girl would never frown back—not much anyway, not when he looked so cute in his little zip-up hoodie—but his helpers were very unimpressed. Did he not see them breaking their backs for some dumb thing that he claimed to be a modern-day Michelangelo?

"Go ahead!" They said enthusiastically, ready for a break. As if Ray would give them one.

"Well, I don't wanna. Now, take off the sheet so I can see it!" He commanded, earning a few more grumbles since he was barking so many orders and rudely. Schwoz and Charlotte looked at (y/n), hoping for her to say something because she was the only one Ray would listen to, but she was way ahead of them.

"A please would be nice, Raymond. Manners cost nothing," she chastised him, and to the others' satisfaction, he looked down in shame for a second. Her motherly scolding always worked because he never wanted to be anything but the perfect lover in her eyes. They pulled away the cotton sheet covering the painting as he humbled himself.

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