Episode 26: Story Tank

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~In the Man Cave~

When was the last time they got to do this?

No one was sure, but any free time in the Man Cave was gratefully appreciated, given its rarity. There was always something that needed cleaning, some criminal who needed locking up, or a device that required fixing, which meant the hideout's group rarely got to spend quality time together.

So, when everyone found themselves strangely free one afternoon, they snapped up the opportunity to do absolutely nothing. It didn't sound like much, but nothing meant a lot in such a hectic workplace. Gathering around the couch, the family came together to do the most straightforward yet best of things; eat a lot of food, drink a lot of soda, and watch a horror film.

They were used to the adrenaline rushes, but at least they could sit down this time.

"Why did we have to watch this? You know I hate horror movies," (y/n) whined into Ray's ear as she snuggled into his side and fed him a piece of popcorn, all while never taking her eyes off the tense scene on the TV. Jacob's Coyote was classic and critically acclaimed, but it didn't half make her heart leap to her throat and her tummy flutter with nerves whenever the music turned creepy, and that beast appeared.

"I'm here, sweet girl. You got nothin' to worry about..." Ray replied, the gravelly words making his chest rumble against her back as he fed her a jelly bean. His strong arms wrapped around her waist and brought her closer to his body--to the point where she was nearly on his lap--and if the movie were any less captivating, the kids would've puked at how he kept pecking her neck and forehead. That made her heart beat faster than any movie ever could.

"--he rose from his grave! Now, he's a zombie coyote!" Jacob said on the TV, screaming at his father about how his pet or something was now trying to kill them. It was a brilliant film, but when the half-dead animal with its jaw hanging off and pinpoint pupils appeared on the screen, everyone couldn't help but jolt a bit.

Except for Henry. For some bizarre reason, he was entertained by everything, giggling at what was terrifying and chuckling at what was horrifying as if he was watching a boy playing with a puppy, not a teen being hunted by a gruesome coyote.

"How did he pick up and operate that chainsaw?!" The titular character shouted as the creature strangely began swinging the lethal machine left and right, chopping limbs off and splitting heads open in a spectacularly gruesome spectacle that left everyone groaning and shielding their eyes.

"Oh my god!"

"No, doofus, I said I don't like it!" (y/n) shrieked as she turned and shuffled into Ray's lap, burying her face into his neck where she could brush away the image of a man being decapitated and a coyote eating his head. Ray held on tight to her and leaned away from the screen into Charlotte, who didn't mind since she didn't want to be eaten.

However, the oddest thing came from Henry, who, unlike his friends, laughed at what he saw, thinking the gushing blood and innards becoming outtards was hilarious, which earned him a few funny stares since this was meant to be a scary night. But there he was, eating prime-cut steaks and giggling like he was on laughing gas.

"What's your problem, man?"

"Hm?" The kid perked up when he heard his boss say something, but he'd been giggling so hard that he hadn't registered the words. He had, however, noticed their snuggling, kissing and loving in the corner of his eye, and it was nearly enough to make his steak reappear.

"What's your problem, man?" The hero repeated, frowning at his sidekick and his funny behaviour. There he and his sweet girl were, shaking and holding onto each other for dear life, his hand settled on her thigh to stop it from shaking, and he was laughing. Was it not scary enough?

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