Episode 38: The Beginning of the End

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*LAST FOUR EPISODES. i swear im not crying. LET'S SAY GOODBYE TO THE GANG IN STYLE!!! here we goooooo*

~The Man Cave~

Deep underground, things in the Man Cave ran as smoothly as they always did. Charlotte was doing something innovative; Piper was doing something on the computer to appear helpful; Jasper was off doing God knows what, and Schwoz...he was doing something complicated.

That was nothing new, but this seemed extra complicated. Full of wires, flashing lights, and zappy things. He was engrossed in the last few details, soldering and superheating the circuit board as the girls watched, wondering what he was doing. The heroes were out doing heroic stuff, so (y/n) wasn't around to explain it, not that she'd approve of this project, given its sensitive nature.

"Schwoz, what is that thing?" Piper asked as his zapping and sparking distracted the girl from her little arts and crafts session.

"Oh, nothing. It's just the Omega Weapon," the genius replied, pushing his face shield onto his brow so he could look at her. He said it like it was nothing, just another passing fancy or a strike of creative ingenuity that he had to materialise, and not a weapon of mass destruction that could destroy Captain Man.

"The one from the blueprints Ray, (y/n), and Henry got from all those bad guys in No Man's Land?" Charlotte frowned, popping up from behind the couch. It seemed like she'd come from nowhere, but after dropping a few eaves, she knew enough to warrant her concern, terrified of what could happen if Schwoz's little plaything got into the wrong hands. Did (y/n) know about this, or did she need to text her?


"The one that can take away Ray and possibly (y/n)'s superpowers?!" Piper asked, worry also strewn across her pretty features as she rose from the supercomputer's chair.

"The same!"

"Why would you build that?" Charlotte snapped angrily, her fury contrasting the man's happy, uncaring grin. He didn't care about his creation's consequences or understand why they were so mad. The Omega Weapon presented him with a challenge, and no one ever told Michaelangelo not to paint or De Vinci not to invent - why couldn't he do the same?

"Because Ray told me I couldn't, and I hate when people tell me I can't do something."

"I thought (y/n) said you shouldn't build it," Piper argued, vaguely remembering her friend giving the genius one of her infamous stares, pointing at him, and shouting to stay away from that damn weapon. She didn't like the idea of her doofus being vulnerable or herself, but Schwoz took her words personally.

"Yeah, well, her doofus shouldn't pinch my cheeks and steal my cereal every morning, but I guess we all do things we shouldn't," Schwoz replied bitterly, picking up a steak of cereal boxes lashed together with a thick metal chain. He had to keep it closely guarded; otherwise, Ray would sneak a few bowlfuls after a solid start to the morning with his sweet girl.

Speak of the devil, an alarm sounded, and suddenly, the tubes dropped from the ceiling, signalling the return of Ray, (y/n), and Henry. Schwoz hugged his boxes tighter as they fell into the main room, looking funny and outdated in their peculiar outfits. For some reason, the trio were dressed like ancient Romans, draped in crisp, white togas, crowns of laurel leaves, and brown, strappy sandals.

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