Episode 31: Mr. Nice Guy (SMUT)

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"I hope you know you've made a very childish man very angry."

Henry heard those words a lot. When you work for a very touchy, immature, and self-centred man, you quickly learn to tread lightly and ignore flaring tempers and stormy moods.

He was talking about Ray, of course. Officially, he was the world's grumpiest man when changing his plans, especially if control was out of his hands.

He liked things to go smoothly, so if he wanted to take his sweet girl to the movies, sit on the back row with her, sneak a cheeky fumble in the dark, and watch the latest and most anticipated film of the year, he would do it. So he did.

They were so close and yet so far, making it to the cinema duplex, t-shirts, snacks and drinks ready for the new Battle Pigs Four: Styfall movie. But just when Ray and (y/n) made it to the window to present their tickets to the usherette, Henry called. And was immediately deemed public enemy number one.

"He can make out with you at the movies anytime. Not my fault we got an emergency call," the kid grumbled as he and the heroine - both clad in uniform - strode towards Swellview Hospital, where an unusual incident called for superhero assistance.

"Oi, we don't--" (y/n) argued, blushing at being called out, but she couldn't deny it when the boy raised her a sceptical eyebrow. "--Okay, maybe we do a bit, but you know he loves Battle Pigs. Those tickets cost a small fortune."

It was true; Henry knew how much Ray loved those movies - their first movie marathon was dedicated to watching them all in one night. But when calls came in, they had to be answered, even if the hero had to put his fiancée down and do some work.

"You just need to kiss him, and he'll get over it," Henry replied with a smirk, knowing that the trailing hero, who'd insisted on staying in the van for an extra minute to sulk, would get his own way in the end.

The woman agreed, remembering how Ray swore under his breath on the drive over, squeezing her thigh to the point of bruising her skin if she wasn't super-healing.

"True... Anyway, why are we here?"

"I don't know, really--" Henry shrugged, looking around the busy reception area, full of doctors, porters, patients, relatives and everything in between; joy, relief, fury, and grief. But whilst everyone else had a sense of purpose and duty, they only had a vague idea of what they were dealing with.

However, as they dithered and loitered awkwardly, a doctor approached, a clipboard of medical records tucked under her arm as she gave them a brief, bright but tired smile.

"Miss Danger? Kid Danger? Follow me, please," She asked, although it was doubtful that anyone else would want to wear the garish uniforms they did. Still, they didn't mention it, thinking she looked like she had enough on her plate, and followed her without question, walking briskly to keep up with her snappy pace.

"Patient came in five minutes ago," she reported, not sparing the sidekicks a glance as she read off her list and navigated the busy corridors, but they weren't there for a chitchat.

"Nineteen-year-old female. Works at Nacho Ball."

"The close one or the nice one?" Miss Danger asked, growing concerned because Swellview infamously had two main Nacho Ball restaurants; one was beautifully and meticulously kept, whilst the other was a hole. A dirty, scum-filled hole.

"The close one," the doctor replied quietly, making the teen and woman cringe at what diseases their victim might be carrying. Perhaps they'd have to be inoculated after this - hosed down and sanitised - but those were the perils of the job, so they just had to get on with it.

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