Episode 37: Remember The Crimes

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Henry couldn't remember the last time he'd felt so bored. It seeped into his bored, made his mind like a desert, and turned his body to jelly.

Piper slumped beside him, too; it wasn't their fault some of Schwoz's faulty wiring had led to them getting trapped, but now all they could think about was how the minutes seemed to stretch into hours, making their bodies feel useless.

The brother-sister duo quickly learned that being stuck in a small, tight, uncomfortably warm metal box had its downsides, even though they at least had the little ledges to act as seats. There was nothing to do, and Piper swore she'd have to resort to eating Henry if the agonisingly long days stretched into months--that is, if she hadn't gone insane by then.

"Ugh! How long are we gonna be stuck in this stupid elevator?" She grumbled, feeling her butt grow numb from how long they'd been sitting around, doing nothing but waiting for rescue.

"I dunno, but while we're here, we might as well do what everyone does when they're stuck in elevators," her brother sighed. Still, as usual, the kid had his optimism, finding a silver lining even when the girl was as grumpy as ever.

"Think back about hilarious memories?" She tilted her head questioningly, her mood picking up slightly.

"Exactly!" Henry confirmed with a smirk, snapping his fingers as he looked back through his life's chapters. There were so many to choose from; he'd had quite the rollercoaster ride from fate, but Piper beat him to it.

"Okay, I'll start. Remember that time we went to Hawaii, and our family got cursed by the--" She started with a slight giggle, remembering all the hijinks on that vacation, mainly due to their moronic father. However, the elevator dinged before she could even get to the good bit about Mr Hart's near-life-threatening sunburn. The door rolled open, revealing the large, empty main room, much to their surprise--and disappointment.

"Huh. Would ya look at that..." Henry hummed, yet followed his sister out; anything to stretch his legs. All they wanted to do was swap some memories. But, their boredom was enough to earn their freedom, even if they secretly were hoping for a trip down memory lane.

"Guess we don't have to spend any time sitting around remembering things now."

"Good! " Piper grinned, glad to be out as her brother looked around the suspiciously quiet room. It was strange; no sign of his fellow employees anywhere and, indeed, no clue as to where the resident lovebirds were.

But as they headed for the couch, something even weirder happened. Dust fell from the ceiling in a light cloud as an odd creaking noise clattered, sounding like metal crunching under something heaving, making the siblings spin around sharply.

"What the dust?" The girl frowned as she watched the fine powder settle on the floor, undoubtedly something for (y/n) to titter over later since she was remarkably proud of her clean rooms - something Piper had learnt after an unfortunate incident involving a crème brûlée.

"Probably just some Mole People," Henry sniffed dryly, thinking nothing of it since he was used to hearing the critters sneaking around at all times of the day. And night. Any time, really. Those critters were shameless, although the kid admired their tenacity; whilst he didn't know the ins and outs of the operation, he'd heard a rumour that one once broke into Ray and (y/n)'s bedroom. Sooner them than him.


"Probably just some Mole People," he repeated when his sister looked at him weirdly. Of course, Piper knew nothing about them, having joined a little after the whole Man Cave blowing-up incident.

"Mole People aren't real," she scoffed, writing the bizarre creatures off as another example of Swellview's folklore.

"Yeah, they are. They were at our house, and check this! Apparently, one of them broke into Ray and (y/n)'s room one night."

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