Serenity doesn't like buying herself things, even though she has a black card, instead chooses to buy those close to her things. But on the rare chance
1. The very first expensive thing that Serenity bought herself was her first apartment. It wasn't overly expensive but as it was back before Serenity was known globally, 2016, it was expensive to her.
2. She bought herself a car in 2020, she was on the fence about getting one but after much thought she got one
3. All of the equipment in her home studio was bought by her as she wanted to be able to work on music at home.
4. Both her and Jaehyun bought their apartment but Serenity had put more money in the purchase.
5. All of the buildings that have her businesses were bought by her.
6. Serenity has bought herself some designer clothes, bags, shoes and jewellery etc.
7. Currently Serenity is thinking about getting a house in the states but doesn't think she will.
8. As Serenity likes anime and manga she has bought figures of her favourite series.
9. Serenity has bought all the albums and lightsticks of the groups she is friends with (Has only got one Jaehyun photocard in all of her NCT albums).