Serenity & Artemis rebuild their friendship

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(2020)Sitting out in a cafe I stir at my tea, Artemis is across from me both of our masks are on the table

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Sitting out in a cafe I stir at my tea, Artemis is across from me both of our masks are on the table

"It's been so lomg since its just been us"
"2014 was the last time"

Looking at her I see the pain and regret

"No amount of apologises will fix what I fucked up"
"You're correct"
"Eomma got really mad at me, she yelled at me"
"She's always been protective over me"
"My siblings were the same, when Angel Sins went on hiatus I was angry but then I realised what I had done"
"You destroyed our friendship"
"I know and I want to fix it"
"No amount of talking can bring back what you broke"
"That porcelain figure? I can get a new one"
"Artemis do you know how I got that figure?"
"It was a gift for my first award from someone who is gone, it wasn't the figure I cared about but the memory of the person who gave it to me"

I see she is take aback

"Jonghyun oppa gave it to me"

Her head hangs

"I never knew that"
"Don't cry"
"I can't help it, I did terrible things to you"
"Mmm true"
"You know I'm jealous of how close you and unnie are"
"Years ago that would have been me but I screwed up"
"Unnie has stuck by me, I only agreed to do a comeback with Angel Sins because of her"
"Is there anyway to fix what I've broken?"
"That depends are you ready to truly understand what you put me threw"
"It will take a while Artemis till we are close as we were"
"I know but if there is a chance of having you as a friend again I'll take it"

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