εγω θα πω την γνωμη μου και ας φαω οσα χειτερ θελετε...πραγματικα χεστηκα
εχω ιντερνετ μετα απο καιρο και εκανα μια βολτα...με κλαματα κατεληξα...ρε ζειν τι μας κανεις?οκ το καταλαβαινω πως θες να ζησεις ελευθερος και ολα αυτα που ειπες και το σευομαι...για αυτο και προσπαθησα να το παρω ηρεμα ...χωρις δακρυα και μαλακιεσ...αλλα τωρα...διαβασα πως αρχισε σολο...γτ?δλδ απο την μια θελει ησιχια και απο την αλλη αυτο?το τραγουδι ειναι ωραιο δεν λεω αλλα δεν ειναι μαζι με τα αγορια και αυτο ποναει...
can you answer these questions? Why are you leaving one direction? Don't you think one direction is not going to be as popular and well known as there is only 4 of them! Why you doing this to your fans it's horrible? So many teens have committed suicide or cut themselves how do you feel about this
first, if you don't love what you do and it doesn't make you happy anymore then there's no a reason to keep doing it and that's when you realize you need to stop and do what you really want. 2nd, I've already said something about this before, I think the only thing that really changed is the fact that it isn't 5 anymore but 4, and I really do think they will continue to be the biggest band in the world, ps they have all my support and 3rd, you guys are the only reason why I stayed in this band for too long even though I wasn't happy with it anymore but I didn't want to let you guys down and I didn't want to be selfish and think about myself only but it was about time to do something for myself and it would be selfish of you guys if you don't respect my decision because I deserve to be happy as well
απο το ασκ του.το καταλαβαινω πως τον εχουμε πριξει αλλα...πραγματικα δεν ξερω τι να πω...
the story of my life
RastgeleΓεια σασ!Έκανα το wattpad μου μόλισ χτεσ και αυτό είναι το πρώτο μου βιβλίο για την πολυυυύ ενδιαφέρουσα ζωή μου.αλλά ασ συστηθούμε πρώτα:1.Με λένε Ευγενία2.Είμαι 133.Πάω βόλε'ι'(φαίνεται άλλωστε)4.Πρόσφατη directioner5.ΔΕΝ ΞΕΡΩ ΤΙ ΑΛΛΟ ΝΑ ΠΩ!