Chapter 12

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*Jimin's POV*

Taehyung has been gone for two whole days and I felt like I am dying. I feel very uncomfortable being away from him. My eyes travled to the door again for what has to be the hundredth time in just an hour, my ears listening for the thuis of his footsteps on the stairs and my nostrils flaring trying to find his scent.

"You know he'll be back soon. He just has to attend some alpha things." His mom and sister have been keeping me company ever since he left. All three of us were currently sitting on the bed that I'm sharing with Taehyung, watching TV like I often do with Taehyung. They were both sitting on either side of me trying to cheer me up.

As I watched the colors swirling around on the TV, my mind wandered back to Taehyung. I didn't know why I was so attracked to him. Everything about him made me hot, even thinking about him made me hot. I felt the need to always be in his presence, to drown in myself in his woody and manly scent.

I twisted the hem of my shirt as my Wolf agreed with me. Both of us have been weak for so long now, we were too removed from each other. It was a strain that had us both sweating to communicate with each other. But when Taehyung was around, everything was easier, we felt like one body again. We both craved him with a madness that should be reserved for your mate.

But I knew that I didn't have a mate and he probably did and that made me even more guilty. Out there, there was someone waiting for him. Someone other than me who he would kiss. Someone other than me who he would hold when he went to sleep. The thought alone made me so violently jealous that my Wolf pushed through to the surface for just a second.

Alpha Yoongi had made a point of telling me every time when that he was beating me, that I had no mate. That no Wolf or human would mate with me. Even the thought of him brought back such violent memories that my body started to shake.

I wanted Taehyung. I wanted him to hold me. I didn't want to admit it but I was getting addicted to him if not worse. I couldn't bear to be away from him.

"It's okay Jimin, he'll be back soon. I promise." His mom patted my shoulders and I nodded my head. I still wasn't used to human contact so I still jumped a little when she touched me. However, they both had the same woodsy scent that Taehyung carried and it comforted me to an extent.

Two days ago, Taehyung's dad had come into the room as we were eating breakfast and taken a seat at the end of the bed. I had immediately shifted so I was sat behind Taehyung hiding myself behind him and trying to mask my sent with him.

His dad had just smiled and nodded at me before he turned back to Taehyung with a serious face. I studied his features and found most of Taehyung's features in him. They both had that high and proud forehead. High and defined cheekbones and the sparkling eyes. If he was the same age as Taehyung, they would be doppelgangers of each others. Yet, there were still features that were unique to Taehyung. He had moles on the tip of his nose, eyes and lips that always seems to grab my attention and made me want to touch and kiss it. I shook my head and I listened to their conversation.

"...And as the next in line for the alpha position, you need to be there. You were also the one who found him and the high court will be needing your testimony to brand him." From what I could catch of their conversation, they had questioned the rest of the Pack and it turned out that other people in power, for exemple the people who ran with Alpha Yoongi into the woods, were the ones who knew I was in the basement and that I was being tortured.

When they had gotten to the topic of my torture, Taehyung had reached behind him and gripped my hands in his slightly bigger one and stroked my knees with his other hand, trying to comfort me.

He was the only one that knew that I woke up in the middle of the night, covered in cold sweat and trembling, too scared to scream. Dreaming that I was back in the basement with anonymous figuers above me, beating me.

"We have to leave today to be back as soon as possible and I have already checked with Jin and I'm sorry but Jimin is still not strong enough to make the journey to there and back. I'm sorry." He had said looking at me, but I quickly looked away from him, my hand tightening in Taehyung's tense one.

When his father left, he had turned to me, took my face in his hands and kissed me. My body warmed at the thought of the kiss, it was a simple kiss and left me feeling... loved. I knew that he had to go with his dad and I told him that it was okay. He promised me that his mom and sister would be with me all the times and I just smiled and nodded my head. Just as he left, his sister and his mom walked in and they have been with me every since. Some guy that his sister told me was Taehyung's beta, came to the room once in a while to bring food and other clothes for the girls as well as updates.

As my focus drifted back to the TV, a deep masculine scent drifted up to my nose as well as the thud of boots on the stairs. My Wolf and I immediately perked up and we sniffed the air to make sure it was him. I was out of the bed and throwing the door open before Olivia and his mom even knew what was happening. I heard them asking what was wrong as I tripped over my feet before catching myself and proceeded to run out of the door.

I stopped at the top of the stairs as I saw him. He was only a few steps away from me. His eyes sparkled as they settled on me and he seemed to let out a sigh of relief.

When he reached me, I threw my arms around his neck and hugged him without thinking. I realized what I was doing and tried to move away from him but he wrapped his arms around me and squeezed me, letting out a chuckle. Sighing that I haven't just done something wrong, I settle against him and burrowed my head into his neck, drawing his scent into me. I missed him.

I heard someone let out a sigh of relief behind me and I moved out of Taehyung's arms to see who it was. His mom and sister came to hug him. It was the same awkward hug from when we first met seeing as Taehyung was still holding my hand.

"Thanks mom, twerp." He smiled ruffling his sisters hair. "I'll take it from here." He smiled drawing me closer to him and I hid behind him and burrowed my head on his shoulders. I heard a few chuckles and I burrowed deeper als a blush crept up on my cheeks. I still wasn't used to so many people being nice to me.

"Come on baby." He tugged on my hand with a bright smile that twinkled in his deep brown eyes. In that instance, I knew I would follow him any and everywhere that he wanted.

Jesus, that was a long chapter again. Do you guys like it when I do longer chapters? Or do they need to be shorter? Let me know.

Also grab your holy waters because the next 2 chapters are gonna be real deal smut 🙂 I'm sorry. But feel free to skip it, it's not a problem 👍

Okay let's get to the next chapter!

Stay tuned and beautiful! 💜

Peace out ✌️

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