Chapter 21

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Taehyung blinked his eyes open but quickly shut them again because of the bright light in the room. It gave him a headache. Instead of trying again, he just kept his eyes closed and tried to take in his surroundings.

He could tell he was back at the Midnight Pack. He could also tell that Jimin wasn't by his side but sighed in relief when he felt the energy of Jimin flowing in his mind. Following it, he knew he was in the house. The living room maybe?

Ignoring his throbbing head, he pulled himself more into the energy of Jimin. He felt his mate's immediate response as Jimin's warm energy moved to engulf him as if giving him a hug. He let out a little chuckle at the reaction. His feisty little mate was coming more and more out of his chell. Very soon, he won't even know where it was anymore.

Concentrating some more, he pulled further into the energy of Jimin to see through his eyes. All this while, Jimin's energy clung onto him, refusing to let go.

He blinked a few times, when the brightness of the light was too strong but then he remembered that he was seeying through Jimin's eyes and he was already used to the room. Looking around the room, he spotted his parents sitting in the love seat by the door to the kitchen, some of the high members of the High King's court where sitting on the two and three seaters in the living room, all dressed into their different colours according to their posts.

"Have you forgotten that Jimin is mated and that his mate currently is resting. How would you feel if you woke up one day to find your mate gone!" Taehyung's dad said standing up from his chair. Anger was shown on his face as Taehyung's mom clutched one of his arms in hers, trying to calm her mate.

"It doesn't matter! He is the only one that can take the place of the High King and it's his duty to come back to us to be crowned!" A short fat guy wearing purple replied also standing up. Jimin was quiet as Taehyung took everything in through him. His energy just clung to Taehyung refusing to let go, burrowing onto him.

"What about his mate!" Taehyung's dad replied. "What about his choice, what if he doesn't want to go back to the summit!"

"Why wouldn't he? He will be the most respected Wolf in the world. Wolves and humans all over the world would come and pay respect to him!" All the other court members were nodding along with him and he could feel Jimin's blood starting to boil.

Making sure there was no chance of him pulling out of Jimin, he slowly stood up from his bed and made his way to the living room. Some of the Pack members saw him on the way and stopped him to ask how he was doing. He just nodded to them and walked further.

When he got to the living room, he leaned against the door frame where they couldn't see him. He and Jimin's energy were so mingled that they were the same so the people in the room didn't noticed his presence, except Jimin. He pulled away from his mate's eyes and used his own but remained quiet.

"Are you trying to tell me that you want to take him away from his mate? Do you know what that would do to him? To both of them?" Taehyung's father asked.

"That would not be a problem. I don't see how strong a bond between two males could be this strong. The fates will probably realize they made a mistake soon and break their bond themselves. He can then mate with a proper female of..." Taehyung saw red. But before he could reach the short annoying man, he was thrown accros the room, crashing through the door and into the kitchen.

He turned around to see Jimin standing in the room looking feral. His brown and white hair flared out behind him. His canines were extended, and his eyes were now a glassy white. Taehyung couldn't help his body's natural reaction to his mate in this form. All he wanted to do was take him away and have his dirty way with him.

"Don't you ever, ever, ever, ever, open your filthy mouth around me ever again and insult my mate! Ever again!" Jimin growled. His voice low, his Wolf pushing through the surface. The voice sent shivers of pure ecstasy through Taehyung and he could feel himself getting hard.

"How dare you to attack a member of the high court you faggot!" Another member of the court moved to attack Jimin but Taehyung caught him around the neck and threw him where Jimin threw the first one.

"Don't you ever try to touch my mate again!" Taehyung bared his fangs at them, staring down at them. He could hear the rest of the court shuffling and shifting in their seat. He turned to Jimin to catch him looking at him with eyes full of desire. It shimmered through the link and set him in flame.

"Maybe we could come to a c-compromise..." A tall and sickly thin man with grey hair stuttered. Both Taehyung and Jimin turned to him and growled low.

"We don't care." Taehyung growled, his Wolf still evident in his voice and he felt a wave of desire pool inside Jimin filling more to his desire. He moved closer to his mate and wrapped his arms around him. "Do whatever you like, however if you think of taking away my mate from me ever again, I will hunt you and your family. I will plunder and destroy everything you have and everyone you have dear." He growled.

He grabbed Jimin by the waist and turned around away from the living room, they literally flew past the unconscious court members, out the back, and into the woods that surrounded the Pack house.

Woah, heavy heavy heavy. Way to go Jimin! He finally stood up for himself and his mate. So proud of him 😂👏

Anyway, what do you think would happen next?

Are you curious?

Find out in the next chapter.

Stay tuned and beautiful! 💜

Peace out ✌️

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