Chapter 18

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Taehyung! Taehyung! Jimin's panicked voice woke Taehyung up from his poison induceded sleep. The silver shackles had been removed from his ankles and he was once again lying on his bed in the Moonblood Pack. Jimin's scent surrounded him but when he reached out to hold him, he wasn't there. His eyes shot open and he roase up from the bed as the memories of what happend yesterday flashed before his eyes. Immediately big beefy arms were throwing him back onto the bed.

"Stay down boy." From his clothes, Taehyung could tell that he was one of the high guards. He was wearing black pants and a red and white long leather jacket buttoned to the throat.

Taehyung! Are you okay? Jimin's voice came into his mind and he sighed in relief that he sounded okay.

I'm fine. Are you okay? He didn't touch you did he? Taehyung asked. If that bastard had land even a finger on Jimin, he was going to rip his throat out with his fangs and he didn't care if he was royalty.

He hasn't touched me yet. He made me change into the royal court clothes but apart from that nothing. He keeps looking at the marks on my arms. I don't like it Taehyung.

Taehyung could feel the definite sadness in Jimin's voice. He was happy, this was the most Jimin had ever spoken but he was kind of sad that it was under such circumstances.

It's okay baby. I won't let him touch you. Taehyung tritted his teeth from the after effect on the silver and merged himself fully with Jimin. He felt Jimin's sigh of relief as their life forces merged together. He allowed himself into Jimin's eyes and assessed the room his mate was in.

It looked like one of the guest rooms in the house. Taehyung had only been to the office, dining room, kitchen and obviously his room in the whole Pack so he didn't recognize the place.

A guest room. We're just beside your parents room. It's down the hall from you. Jimin said completely giving his mind up to Taehyung and melt in his presence. Jimin was sitting on his knees on the double bed in the room. The alpha King was not in the room but there were two guards in the room both dressed identical to the huge one that was watching Taehyung.

Suddenly, Taehyung felt a fist smash into his jaw as a growl rumbled through the guard that was in the room with him. He lost the connection with Jimin from the pain.

"If you dare to contact the alpha King's mate again, you will regret it!" He growled low in his throat before returning to his place by the door.

"He's my mate dammit. Jimin is mine!" Taehyung growled but there was still a little bit of silver messing with his system.

"Not anymore he's not." The guard growled.

"What do you mean? I marked him. He carries my mark. You all could see it!"

"On the full moon in a few nights, he will be performing the ceremony to break your bond and mate with him. The royal family had to remain clean so he can only mate with his new mate." Taehyung felt his stomach twist and his heart shadder at his words. He couldn't lose Jimin. Jimin was his. His life, his everything. He couldn't imagine not waking up next to him anymore.

Taehyung didn't know anything about the working of the royal family. Growing up, all he knew was that they were the rulers of all the werewolves. They were supposed to be fair and the title of the High King was passed down from generation to generation. He had never heard of someone breaking a mating bond before and he knew for sure that it wouldn't end well for both parties.

"H-he can't do that, can he?" He stammered. His Wolf was itching to rip to the surface and to get Jimin. He could feel his Wolf move to the surface and his eyes change from brown to black.

Son. His dad's voice echoed in his mind but he didn't bother to reply. He wanted Jimin but he didn't dare to made contact with him just in case the guard decided to hit him again. We've been ordered to return to the Midnight Pack. We'll be leaving tomorrow and you're required to follow. Direct orders and you know there's nothing I can do. Sorry son.

I can't leave without him dad. I love him.

Stay calm son. Your mother is bringing you up something to eat. I doubt they'll let her through but eat something. We won't leave without your mate.

Thanks dad. Still the conversation with his dad did nothing to ease the ache in his chest nor did it stop him from unconsciously reaching out to Jimin.

"I dare you boy." The guard growled. Taehyung sneered at him before pulling back.

Taehyung was about to ask a question when suddenly a commotion broke out on the outside. The shouts of cry and fears filled the air as the smell of blood rose into the air. The guard whirled around and disappeared through the door leaving Taehyung alone. Taehyung scramled out behind him trying to merge with Jimin but his concentration was breaking as people kept pushing into him as they ran around.

As he got outside he could see wolves fighting but he scanned the crowd for his mate. Just as he was about to turn back into the house to continue his search, he caught sight of a flash of white hair disappearing towards the forast. He was being pulled along by the High King and they were side stepping from the fighting wolves.

"Jimin!!" He screamed running towards him, side stepping from claws and jaws as he went. Just as he was about to reach them, the High King shifted into a massive white Wolf half the size of the trees, back handed Jimin across the face knocking him out then he scooped him up in his jaws and ran into the forest.

Oh man Holy shit! I hope Jimin is going to be okay 🥲

Anyway I hope the High King doesn't succeed into making Jimin his mate..

If you are confused please tell me I will explain 😄

Curious about the next chapter?

Stay tuned and beautiful! 💜

Peace out ✌️

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