Chapter 17

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Taehyung smiled as he watched Jimin. His head was resting on the window and he was snoring slightly. Their shopping bags were on the back seat and in the trunk of the car. Taehyung turned back to the now dark road but not before tapping into his dreams through the link and smiling. If he was asleep he would be dreaming about the trip to the mall as well, Hell he was dreaming about it and he was awake.

When they first got to the mall, Jimin was nervous because of the sheer amount of people there but once Taehyung managed to get him inside, he was like a kitten set loose for the first time. He was jumping from one store to the other and Taehyung found himself laughing as he chased his curious little mate all over the mall.

As he was parking in the garage of the Pack house, he linked his beta to come help move the things upstairs. Getting out of the car, he moved to Jimin's side and carefully opened the door. He lifted Jimin into his arms and started walking to the house just as Jungkook and some other boys came out. They smiled at him as he walked past them and he just nodded his head. He did the same when he spotted his parents in the living room as he made his way to his room. Laying Jimin down, he took off his jacket and shoes before he let his mate settle into a comfortable sleep. He started to take his clothes off as Jungkook and the boys made their way into the room. He showed them where to drop the things before climbing into the bed and scooping Jimin into his arms.

Taehyung and Jimin were pulled out of their joint dream the next morning by a commotion downstairs. They both opened their eyes and blinked at the same time at the sharpness of the sun.

"What the Hell is going on?" Taehyung said out loud while also relaying the question to his dad and Jungkook.

The high King and his court arrived earlier than expected. They are currently in the living room. I woud advise you and Jimin to get down here.

"Shit!" Taehyung hissed. He had never even met the High King. He wasn't even present when he went with his dad to the summit. Apparently he was away on other business and they had to deal with the head of the court.

"What's wrong?" Jimin asked raising a hand to stroke Taehyung's cheeks. Taking a hold of the hand, Taehyung smiled down at his serene and beautiful mate. The ray of the morning sun reflected off his hair and skin making him look very tanned and practically glowing.

"Nothing baby. The King and his court are here and we have to go downstairs and welcome them as the next in line of the pack." Taehyung said nuzzling his hand.

"Oh, okay." Jimin smiled before pulling his hand out of Taehyung's grip and getting out of the bed. Before he could get to the bathroom, Taehyung pulled him back by the wrist and smashed there lips together. They both forgot about the royal family waiting for them downstairs as they kissed each other, tongues dancing to the music that only they can hear. "Taehyung we can't." Jimin panted pulling away slightly.

"Fine, but you owe me." Taehyung pouted and Jimin laughed, leaning down to give him one more peck on the lips then pulling away before it got too hot.

"Behave." Jimin scolded before walking into the bathroom.

Half an hour later, they were both walking down the stairs hand in hand fully dressed in the outfits they bought the night before. They could hear their voices downstairs as they talked to Taehyung's parents.

"Hey, no need to be nervous. You're going to be okay. We're going to be okay." Taehyung smiled as he looked into Jimin's eyes.

"Yeah." Jimin smiled before burying his face in Taehyung's neck and taking in a lung full of his scent. Lifting his head, he gave Taehyung a little nod before they turned and walked into the living room.

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