Missed Opportunities

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*Disclaimer: I do not own the rights to the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles franchise.

*'Missed Opportunities' Summary: Sometimes, sorry really is the hardest word.

*Author's Notes: Oh my gosh! I know it's been over a year since I posted one of these. I'm so sorry, but I was at long last able to complete a new 'TMNT Shell Shot.' This one-shot takes place after the events of 'Slash and Destroy.' It's a companion piece to my stories 'Mikey's Worst Move Ever' and 'Slash's Revenge.' It actually takes place not long after Mikey's flashback sequence in Chapter 35 of 'Slash's Revenge.'

I'm really hoping you all like how it turned out. *fingers crossed*

Thanks so much for reading my stories, everyone!


Missed Opportunities

In the history of rotten days, this had to be one of the worst. Hamato Donatello breathed out a sullen sigh that no one could actually hear. Unlike him, the rest of his family was probably fast asleep by now, but he just could not seem to settle into a comfortable position. This was not for lack of trying. He had spent the lion's share of the past hour shifting in his bed, vainly attempting to find peace, but alas, comfort was not meant to be. Maybe that's because he had been beaten to a pulp not all that long ago.

Everything hurt.

Whether he laid on his side, his front, or his back, the pain would radiate throughout his body. A harsh, relentless reminder of what had happened that night.

That awful, awful night.

Pushing himself up into a sitting position, Donatello wearily gazed out at the shadows enveloping his room. Something about the darkness sent a chill creeping up and down his spine.

It was so menacing.

So very sinister.

So eerily reminiscent.

A whimper threatened to escape the confines of his parched throat as a flood of memories came rushing back without mercy. Disturbing memories he'd just as soon forget.

He was now wide awake, no question about it. Lost in a vast sea of thoughts he couldn't turn off. His brain going about a million miles per minute as he desperately tried to process the various traumatic events of the day.

First, it had been Mikey losing Spike, an offense that could have easily resulted in the demise of both youngest turtles at the hands of their temperamental big brother. As if that hadn't been bad enough, then Donnie had almost blown up the lair with his whole family in it. To top that off, Raph had totally wigged out on Donnie and taken his last canister of mutagen only to accidentally mutate his precious pet turtle into a blood thirsty beast that nearly killed them all.

Yeah, it really had been a rotten day all right.

Just the thought of Spike's transformation made Donnie's battered and bruised flesh crawl. This time, he was unable to stop a whimper from slipping out.

He could still remember that monster grabbing hold of him from behind.

Could still remember being dragged off to some random rooftop.

Could still remember being pounded into an oblivion.

Could still remember thinking he was going to die.

Could still remember the intense fear he felt inside.

The intense fear he still felt inside...

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