Hidden Scars

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*Disclaimer: I do not own the rights to the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles franchise.

*'TMNT Shell Shots' Summary: This is a collection of random TMNT one-shots.

*Spoiler Alert: This one-shot is an epilogue for the episode 'Heart of Evil.' If you have not seen the episode yet, I recommend watching it before reading any further.


*'Hidden Scars' Summary: Raph discovers there's more to 'Angry Donnie' than meets the eye.

*Author's Notes: I'm back with another 'Shell Shot.' So sorry for the long wait.

Okay, about the story . . . As a diehard Donatello fan, I absolutely loved the episode 'Heart of Evil.' But after watching it, I have to admit I found myself wishing that the show would have delved a little deeper into what was truly motivating Donnie's uncharacteristic behavior and actions during the episode. And so, I wrote this 'Shell Shot.'  I really hope you all enjoy it. Thank you for reading. ;) CJ


Hidden Scars

We all know the routine when somebody gets badly injured. We drag their wounded shell back to the lair ASAP so we can fix whatever's wrong them.

It's not unusual for one or more of us to get pretty banged up every now and then. We're ninjas, after all. Injuries are sometimes unavoidable. Although I've got to admit, these past few weeks, we've had to administer first aid way more than normal. Even now, I'm standing next to my brainiac brother while he's doing his 'Doctor Don' thing. This is the third night this week I've been asked to 'assist' Donnie. I use the word 'assist' lightly here, because all it actually means is 'go get the gauze and antiseptic, Raph.'

In this case, it's Mikey who's hurt . . . again. The little goofball seems to be injury prone as of late. This time, he jumped off a moving train to avoid getting hurt. Yeah, kind of an oxymoron, but then again, Mikey's kind of a – Nah, I'm not going to say it. Too easy . . .

Luckily, none of my baby brother's injuries are all that serious. Just a bunch of scrapes and bruises. Nothing he won't bounce back from after a couple of days. He looks a lot worse than he actually is. Maybe that's because Donnie's got him so bandaged up, Mikey looks like one of those lame-o mummies from the late-night horror movies he likes to watch so much.

I hear the familiar sound of the first aid kit being snapped shut, and then, Donnie's voice confirms that he's done.

"Okay, Mikey. You're all patched up. Now, it's time for you to go straight to bed."

"Awwwwww! But I was gonna – "

"No 'buts,' Mikey. You need to get some rest." My genius brother gently rubs the top of Mikey's head as he says this, which thankfully stops our youngest brother from whining in protest again. Instead, his response is a little giggle. Mikey then peers up at all three of us with an innocent smile stretched across his face. I know that look all too well. He's fishing for sympathy. No doubt Mikey's going to milk this for all its worth and try to get us to wait on him hand and shell for the next few days.

Not. Going. To. Happen.

Fearless and Brainiac might fall for the 'poor little Mikey' act, but not me. Not after what happened the last time . . .

Donnie and I help Mikey down from the worktable he had been laid out on and my oldest brother instantly shifts into 'I'm the best big brother ever' mode. He practically shoves me out of the way so he can wrap an arm around Mikey in order to support his weight. Where was all this eagerness to help when Leo had pretty much just stood there and watched Donnie and I do everything?

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