A Matter of Perspective

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*Disclaimer: I do not own the rights to the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles franchise.

*'A Matter of Perspective' Summary: Raph and Donnie get in way over their heads during a trip to the junkyard. Will the two of them ever make it home again?

*Author's Notes: Just in time for the holidays, I've returned with a brand new 'Shell Shot' and this one has a little bit of everything: humor, drama, feels, sarcasm, suspense, and most importantly, our two favorite middle brothers. I've been working on this story for months now, so I really, really hope everyone likes how it turned out.

Thanks so much for reading!



A Matter of Perspective

Okay, in all likelihood, we're not going to survive the night, so I want to state, for the record, this is totally my hotheaded brother's fault. I would also like to point out that the words 'I told you so' should be carved into my tombstone, in great big, bold letters for all to see. Raphael's tombstone, on the other hand, should just have the word 'meathead' inscribed across it. A fitting tribute to the idiot brother who just got us both killed.

That's right!


I can't believe this is it...

After all those death-defying missions fighting off alien robots and homicidal ninja warriors, this is how it's all going to end? At the hands of two utterly incompetent buffoons.

It's humiliating.

Really, really humiliating.

Now, you're probably asking yourself, 'How did they get into this mess in the first place?'

Good question.

Please, allow me to briefly recap the events leading up to our imminent deaths...

It was a typical night at the lair. Leo and Raph were at each other's throats, as usual. Mikey was too distracted by his own toes to notice, also as usual. I was innocently hidden away inside my lab, doing my best to pretend I was an only child. Something I do far more often than I probably should.

Alas, my two older brothers' bickering was growing too loud to ignore, so I decided it would be the perfect time to venture topside to do some much-needed junkyard browsing. I had a wish list a mile long that I was all too eager to get started on. Getting away from my brothers for a while was just an added bonus.

Mind made up, I grabbed my bo-staff and headed towards the exit with visions of auto parts and computer components dancing in my head. Little did I know, my budding illusions were about to be dashed by a certain turtle whose nickname rhymes with geo.

Seconds after leaving the sanctity of my lab, things started to go due south...

"Where do you think you're going?"

I stopped just short of the lair's turnstiles and slowly spun around to see Leonardo scowling at me. To tell you the truth, I didn't think anyone would even notice me leaving. They normally don't, too caught up in their own little worlds to detect my presence.

"Up to the surface to look for new struts for the Shellraiser." My tone had been slightly condescending, as if Leo should've known the answer to his question. Of course I would be going up to the surface to look for parts. What else would I be doing? Well, other than maybe going to see April...


"By yourself?"

Naturally, the first thing that popped into my head was sarcastic, and I've got to admit, for a fleeting moment, I was half-tempted to go with it. But surely the line, 'No, I'm meeting up with the entire New York Philharmonic' would've earned me a scathing reminder on the importance of being respectful. I, instead, opted to tone down my answer to a more socially acceptable reply. Or at least one that wouldn't make my already agitated oldest brother break out into a lecture.

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