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*Disclaimer: I do not own the rights to the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles franchise.

*Story Summary: Some things are just better the second time around.

*Author's Notes: I decided to write a quick, little Apritello 'Shell Shot' to celebrate Valentine's Day. This one takes place shortly after the episode 'Buried Secrets.'

I'd like to dedicate this short story to my lovely friend, Glazier Blue. I know she once asked me to write more Apritello pieces, so here you go, my friend. 8}

Thank you very, very much to everyone for reading. ;) CJ



As I stand before April with the small music box clutched in my oversized hands, I'm struck by a rather vivid sense of déjà vu. Not to mention I feel like I'm about to start hyperventilating.

Maybe that's because the last time I presented her with this homemade 'gift,' it hadn't exactly gone well.

To be more precise, it had been one big, huge, giant, epic disaster.

That probably explains why April all of a sudden looks like she's going to have a panic attack.

Once again, her reaction is the complete opposite of what I'd been hoping for.

Well, at least she isn't fleeing the scene as though the house is on fire like she did the last time.

I guess I've got that going for me . . .

"Donnie, we need to talk."

This is the understatement of the century.

The two of us haven't really talked since the whole 'Bigfoot' ordeal several weeks ago. I mean, sure, we've spoken to each other, and even exchanged pleasantries here and there, but we haven't 'talked' talked for just about a month now. Not even after the incident with April's pseudo-mom.

It seems like lately, everything is totally different between April and I.

They have been ever since the day she kissed me . . .

It's almost as though we've both been going out of our way to avoid each other because neither one of us knows what to say about what happened.

That's part of the reason why I made April the special Valentine's Day gift I'm now holding in my unsteady hands.

Sometimes, actions speak far louder than words, right?

"Before you say anything, April, I think you should open this." Pressing my lips into what I'm certain is a rather unconvincing smile, I nervously hold the music box out in front of me for her to take.

In her eyes, I see telltale signs of pity and it makes me want to disappear inside my shell. It's the same sympathetic expression she wore the last time I presented her with this gift, just before she practically cast it aside and sprinted out of the farmhouse.

"Donnie, listen. About what happened between us. You know, that day you came to talk to me about being just a mutant and stuff? The thing is, I could . . . I could see you were upset, and I – Well, I – I shouldn't have – "

Keeping one hand on the music box, I hold up my other to stop her mid-sentence. Not because I don't want her to be honest with me. I always do. It's just that I don't want her to see my heart break over what I'm pretty sure she was about to say.

I care about her more than she will ever know.

That was why I had gone to her that day.

And that was why I had been willing to let her go.

All I've ever wanted is for her to be happy.

Even it isn't with me . . .

Even if the only reason she had kissed me that day was because she felt sorry for me . . .

"Please, just open it, April. Trust me."

Though there's still hesitation clearly written on her face, she takes my offering into her delicate hands. A silent testament of her faith in me, which makes me feel a thousand times better than I did just a few seconds ago.

I wait with baited breath for her response; still a bit paranoid that history will once again repeat itself.

But all my worrying is for nothing.

As soon as April lifts up the lid of the music box, she lets out a dramatic gasp and her big, blue eyes instantly fill with tears. She then cups her right palm over her mouth as if to hold back the flood of emotions that just hit her.

It's finally the reaction I'd been hoping for.

"Where – Where did you get these things?" Her voice is just louder than a whisper, tender and sweet, as she pulls her hand away from her face so she can sift through the various contents of the wooden box. The way she lovingly gazes down at what's inside causes my heart to skip several beats.

She really is the most beautiful girl I've ever seen.

When I finally realize that I'm just standing here staring at her – and quite possibly drooling – I rub the back of my neck sheepishly and clear my throat a couple of times before answering her question.

"I stumbled across them when I was cleaning up around the barn the other day. I, uh, thought you might like to keep them inside the music box I made rather than in the dingy, old cigar box I found them in. Oh, and just so you know, I had to take out the movement parts of the music box in order to fit everything, so I guess it's not technically a music box anymore, is it? Heh, heh. I hope you don't mind."

Shimmering eyes still welling with tears, April traces her fingertips over the slightly faded image of her mother that is now affixed to the spot where my picture had once been. Inside the former music box are additional portraits of April's family, as well as a dainty, oval-shaped, silver locket that I'd carefully polished to like-new condition.

April lets out another little gasp before peering up at me with a look on her face that I can only describe as stunning.

"Mind? It's the best Valentine's Day gift ever! I love it, Donnie! Thank you so much!"

Feeling April suddenly throw her arms around me and pull me into a fierce hug tells me that things between us are going to be just fine.

Granted, I still may not understand how she truly feels about me, and maybe I never will. But so long as she's happy, that will always be enough for me.

The End


*Author's Notes: Awwww, Donnie is such a hopeless romantic. Even though I'm happily married, I would jump at the chance to be Donatello's Valentine. I adore him!

Thank you all so much for reading this one-shot. As always, please vote and/or comment on 'TMNT Shell Shots' if you want to read more of these short stories. I always love hearing from all of you.

*Special Note: A huge thank you to everyone who checked out the new chapter of 'Slash's Revenge.'  I'm super grateful to all of you.

Happy Valentine's Day! ;) CJ

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