Even a Chance

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*Disclaimer: I do not own the rights to the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles franchise.

*Spoiler Alert: This story is based on the TMNT mutant apocalypse arc. If you have not seen those episodes yet, I recommend watching them before reading any further.


*'Even a Chance' Summary: Realizing that there's nothing he and brothers can do to stop the mutagen bomb coming towards them, Leonardo is forced to make a gut-wrenching decision.

*Author's Notes: I'm back with another new 'Shell Shot.' This one is the third installment of my mutant apocalypse collection and it ties in with my previous apocalypse one-shots, 'Better Than None' and 'All That's Left' (chapters 9 and 10 of 'TMNT Shell Shots').

I would like to dedicate this story to one of my greatest writing inspirations ever. Poetique823, this one is for you. Thank you so much for the story suggestion and for being here for me right from the start. Your kindness is infectious and your talent knows no bounds. I love you, girl! You are so amazing and I will always look up to you. 8}

Okay, before I get too emotional and start 'ugly' crying, let's move onto the story.

Thank you all for reading. ;) CJ


Even a Chance

For a moment, it feels as though the entire universe has gone completely still. Legs frozen in place, I stare up at the strange device suspended high above me, almost hypnotized by the ominous pale glow it's casting over the city.

It seems somewhat ironic – if not bittersweet – that the sky is drenched in a greenish haze.

The whole scene is rather breathtaking, but not in a good way.

All those times we've saved the world from certain destruction . . .

This . . .

This is where it ends.

Despite our best efforts, we failed.


I failed.

Failed to stop this from happening.

Failed to protect them.

I glance over my shoulder to see my three brothers lined up behind me, clinging to their weapons for dear life while they anxiously await my orders. Their eyes reflect an unmistakable glint of fear as they gaze up at the bomb now slowly starting to make its descent towards us, but their aggressive posture tells me a different story. One that vows they have my shell, no matter what.

They always have . . .

Raphael. The bravest of warriors. He would rather die than ever see one of us hurt.

Donatello. The smartest person I've ever known. And so much stronger than he thinks he is.

Michelangelo. The constant light in the darkness that we have seen. Eternally seeking out the good in everything.

Through thick and thin, the three of them have stood beside me. Even now, as we look upon our final fate.

Tears begin to sting my eyes and I return my attention back to the bomb, if only just to keep my brothers from seeing that I, too, am scared.

Guess I'm not so 'fearless' after all . . .

But I'm not scared of my own death. What I'm actually scared of is losing them.

I remember the agony of having to watch them die in a nightmare. I cannot bear the thought of going through that awful feeling again.

I know exactly what I have to do, but the shrill sound of the siren blaring in the distance and the rampant beating of my heart are making it difficult to focus.

Time is running out. The heat sweeping over me as the bomb draws nearer is evidence of that.

With each passing second, the burning sensation gets more and more intense. To the point that the pain is verging on excruciating.

A burst of blinding, white light fills the night sky, informing me that it's now or never.

I turn to face my brothers, one last time. My expression a mix of immense sadness, gratitude, and pride. My tears a silent testament of how much I love them.

I would do anything for them.


Even if it means never seeing them again.

A sob gets stuck behind the lump swelling inside my throat, and suddenly, speaking is an impossibility.

My brothers look more determined than ever, no doubt ready to die with honor by my side.

But I'm not about to let them.

Not so long as there's still breath in my body.

Not when there's a chance they might survive this, however miniscule that chance may be.

It's still something.

And so, with every last ounce of strength I'm able to summon from within, I lunge forward and forcibly shove the three of them as far away from the incoming bomb as I can. Far enough away to ensure that they can't stop me from doing what's best for them. Granted, in their eyes, my actions may not seem like what's best, but in time, I hope they'll come to understand why I did this.

I just pray on all that's good and pure that they survive the fall.

I don't care about what happens to me. Only them.

Please, for the love of life, let them make it . . .

I watch on with unconcealed grief as my brothers tumble backwards over the ledge of the building. The very same building that I'm still standing on when the blast finally goes off.

My brothers desperately cry out my name, reaching up towards me while they drift further and further away, swallowed up by the shadows below and the rubble from above. Their voices soon fade, as does the heat, the light, and eventually, the pain.

And then, there's nothing.

The End


*Author's Notes: I know this one's a bit short, but I was trying to show just how little time poor Leo had to make such a heartbreaking decision. Not that his decision was all that surprising to anyone. The 'fearless' leader was always willing to sacrifice himself in order to save his brothers. Good old, true-blue Leonardo.

I truly hope everyone enjoyed this one-shot. If you did, please take a moment to vote and/or comment on 'TMNT Shell Shots.' I always look forward to hearing from all of you. Thanks so much for reading. ;) CJ

*Special Note: A great, big thank you to everyone who checked out my Valentine's Day Apritello one-shot ('Regifting') last week. I really, really appreciate it. C=

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