Together Again

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*Disclaimer: I do not own the rights to the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles franchise.

*'TMNT Shell Shots' Summary: This is a collection of random TMNT one-shots.

*Spoiler Alert: 'Together Again' takes place after the episode 'The Power Inside Her.' If you have not seen the episode yet, I recommend watching it before reading any further.


*'Together Again' Summary: Mikey had watched April use that freaky crystal to save Donnie with his own two eyes, but he still needs to make sure that his big brother is really okay. 

*Special Note: This story is a companion piece to my one-shot 'Torn Apart,' which is the next chapter of 'TMNT Shell Shots.' 

*Author's Notes: After watching 'The Power Inside Her,' which was hands down one of my favorite TMNT episodes ever, I found myself really wanting to better understand how the two youngest brothers felt about what had happened, so I wrote this little epilogue. Plus, poor Mikey didn't get a whole lot of airtime in the episode, so I decided to give him some quality time with his brainy big brother. 

Anyway, I really hope that you enjoy it.

If you would like to see more one-shots like this, please vote and/or comment on 'TMNT Shell Shots' to let me know. I truly appreciate the feedback. Thank you so much for reading. ;) CJ


Together Again

Sleep would not come, despite the fact that just fifteen minutes ago I had been forced to turn in early for the night because I couldn't keep my eyes open, no matter how hard I tried.

I'm unable to stop myself from letting out a sigh of exasperation over my sudden onset of insomnia. I then roll over onto my shell for – Oh, I'd say about the fifth time now. I haven't actually been keeping track of how many times I've tossed and turned at this point. I've been too focused on trying to find a more comfortable position that maybe would allow me to finally get some much-needed rest. Unfortunately, my attempt to get more comfortable ends in failure, and I just wind up staring blankly at the ceiling, again. Perhaps if I start counting the water stains above me, it might lull me to sleep. Like a counting sheep sort of exercise. Of course, that's never worked for me in the past . . .

My exasperation slips out in the form of a groan this time, rather than a sigh. About two and a half seconds later, I hear a faint knock at my door, alerting me that someone must have been standing outside of my bedroom just waiting for a sign that I was still awake.

Intuition tells me that it's one of my three brothers and logic tells me which one it is.

"Yeah, Mikey?" I call out in a voice that does not sound entirely like my own. It comes out thready and raspy, revealing how exhausted I truly am. The events of the night have definitely taken their toll on me, that much is for sure. The relentless throbbing in my head is living proof of it.

While I take a brief moment to feel sorry for myself, the door to my room swings open and in walks my baby brother, just as I had suspected.

"D, can I come in?" There is obvious uncertainty in Mikey's tone as he poses his question. I notice his demeanor is far more subdued than normal. The Mikey I know is usually bouncing off the walls, but the Mikey before me is quiet, almost timid. No doubt he's still upset about what happened earlier in the evening. I guess I can't blame him. It's not every day that one of us gets their atoms strewn across half of New York City. I have to admit, I'm still feeling a little stressed out over it myself. After all, I was the one who got essentially blown to bits . . .

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