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The Fourth Phase of the Exam seemed to take forever, but it eventually came to an end. Killua and I split up, and I spent my days going on walks, sightseeing, and sleeping. Occasionally, I practiced improving my aim by throwing makeshift darts at tree branches, but I only did that when I couldn't bear the boredom. While I was doing all of these things, I was deep in thought.

I couldn't seem to get the Kurta off my mind.

Whenever I was busy thinking about other things, his image seemed to infiltrate my mind. When I'd try falling asleep, the conversations he and I had echoed through my head. It seemed that whatever I did to forget about him for a while was futile.

It wasn't that I was madly in love with him; it was quite the opposite. I was intrigued by his motives for hunting down the Phantom Troupe. I found him interesting, I wanted to know more about his Clan, his brethren, and, well, him. His strength was easy to sense, but his appearance made you second-guess yourself. To others, he looked feminine, fragile, and weak. Once you got to know him, you had the chance to understand his true self.

I felt the urge to meet him in combat, I wanted to experience his true strength for myself. What can I say, I'm selfish.

I saw Killua at the meeting place holding up his badges, and I did the same once I walked up to him. I stood at his side and looked over everyone else. Gon, Leorio, and Kurapika were amiss, and I could sense a dreadful feeling welling up inside me.

If they failed, I wouldn't get the chance to experience the bliss of revenge.

I didn't have to worry for long once I saw a familiar blue tabard in the corner of my eye. I immediately met his gaze, a dazzling smile playing on his lips. I felt my eyebrows crease in confusion, was he not the one who stole my badge? Why was he acting like he did nothing wrong?

I treaded toward him, an unamused look crossing my features. He seemed to notice this and bowed his head in shame. "[Y/N]," he began, "I believe I owe you both an apology and a thank you." He followed, not missing a beat. Those words of his took me by surprise, but I realized this was expected from him; it was Kurapika after all.

"I swear I'll explain my reasons once we leave this island. For now, I suggest we make amends" The brown-eyed boy extended his arm, hand open and waiting. I examined his charming face and palmed his hand. "We'll continue this afterward," I promised.

Everyone boarded the airship, leaving Zevil Island behind. I immediately took to finding the golden-haired seventeen-year-old and was pleased to encounter him waiting near a window. I padded over to him and tapped his shoulder, causing him to whip his head to me, slightly surprised. "Now, you've got some explaining to do."

The blond looked back out the window, resting his chin on the palm of his hand. A few strands of hair fell out of place, and he tried to blow them out of his face, to no avail. "Well, I figured you are significantly stronger than I am, so I didn't fear that you wouldn't rack up enough points." He stopped for a moment before continuing. "The reason why I felt the need to betray you like that was because of a nagging suspicion of mine. I had a feeling Leorio was in need of my aid, and I was right." I stayed silent, and he took that as his cue to continue his explanation.

"Your badge was the one I was assigned to retrieving, so I figured getting yours would be much faster than finding three lousy participants." It was then that he turned his head and faced me. His eyes searched through mine, which concealed my thoughts. Pursing his lips, he apologized to me once more. "[Y/N], is there any way I could make it up to you?" A few moments of silence passed between the two of us as I thought of a way to reply to him.

"Kurapika, what do you plan to do once we pass the Exam?" I inquired, making sure not to reveal what I was thinking and feeling. He hesitated before answering. "I plan to find a way to work under someone affiliated with either the Spiders themselves or the Scarlet Eyes." He explained, his eyes darkening at the mention of his Clan's stolen organs.

I shot him an apologetic smile for bringing up the bad memories surrounding his brethren before speaking up. "I request that you allow me to accompany you on your journey." A look of shock traversed the gentle features of the boy, and he furrowed his eyebrows, deep in thought.

"I understand that you may want to do this yourself, but I believe that I can help you without getting in your way." I insisted, noticing the disapproving look on his face. "You'll just have to trust me." I finished, glaring at him with fiery determination.


"I'm sure you've already realized I will go with you whether you like it or not." My eyes gleamed with mischief as I said this, the slightest smirk tugging at the corner of my lips.

Kurapika hung his head in defeat as he muttered a few words under his breath, disapproving of my whole idea. Albeit his body language showed reluctance, a twinkle in his eye suggested the opposite.

"If we both pass the Exam, I'll let you accompany me. Beware, if you prove to be a hindrance, I'll leave you behind."

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