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*Ring Ring Ring*

"Choi sir, you have a shoot in 2 hours. you should get up so you can have breakfast." The Manger said.

"Taehyun what did I tell you about calling me 'Choi sir'? Just call me Beomgyu, Hell even Beomgyu sir works." Beomgyu said stretching.

"Sorry. Anyways let's get ready." Taehyun said.

"Yeah.." Beomgyu said getting out his bed.

+•×•+ 12 minutes later.

"Ok I'm ready to go." Beomgyu said.

"Okay let's go the car is outside." Taehyun said walking outside to the car.


"Taehyun can I put on some music?" Beomgyu asked.

"Yes." Taehyun answered.

"Okay thanks!" Beomgyu replied.

*Beomgyu put on a AgustD's playlist and started rocking with the music*

'sigh' -Taehyun


"Mr.Beomgyu we're here." Taehyun said.

"Do I really have to be here.." beomgyu said rolling his eyes while turning off his phone.

"Do you want me to be your manager or nah kid?" Taehyun said already outside the car.

"One! I'm older than you, 2 yes I do but does it have to be just for modeling!?" Beomgyu complained.

"Yes, get out the car. Please." Taehyun said.

"Fine, you owe me ice cream." Beomgyu replied getting out the car.

"Do you know today's concept?" Taehyun asked beomgyu who was now out the car.

"Nnn-no?" Beomgyu said with one eye closed shut while he was looking the other way.

"I sent you 17 emails, 3 calls, and 285 messages, Choi Beomgyu. How do you not remember." Taehyun said with his hand on his hip.

"Perfectly good explanation, you tell me." Beomgyu replied.

"The perfectly good reason is that you suffer from memory loss, you old dim whit!" Taehyun said in frustration.

"Sorry, I also do not! Nor am I old!" Beomgyu said in defense.

"Yeah, whatever, the concept is food." Taehyun replied.

"Food? I can do that." Beomgyu said as they finally walked in the studio.

"Welcome, you can sit over there and we'll get your makeup together." A woman said with a clipboard.
-Beomgyu went to sit down in the seat the woman said to sit in with Taehyun looking around the place.-

"Taehyun, sit over here-" Beomgyu said before a lady walked up and opened a make set.

"Huh? What?" Taehyun said getting off his phone.

"To late nevermind." Beomgyu said.

"Okay?" Taehyun said looking back at his phone.
-"gosh does Beomgyu ever check his Instagram? The comments are so.. I don't know. Weird, no wait I do know, it's Terrible."


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Beomgyu.Cheeze I love you! 💕💕💕
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Beomgyuyy BEOMGYU I LOVE YOU 💗💗💗



"Taehyun, I'm done do you wanna see ?" Beomgyu said smiling.

"It's already done? Uhm sure." Taehyun said walking up to the camera.

" Taehyun said walking up to the camera

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"Good job Mr.Beomgyu, but why only one?" Taehyun asked.

"That's the only I couldn't eat, so their going to use other models." Beomgyu said chuckling.

"Okay, luckily I'm you manager and I can't do nothing about something that is gone, let's go to your next appointment." Taehyun said.

"Appointment? Thought this was the only one.." Beomgyu said.

"No, we have to go to Soobin's house remember?" Taehyun said.

"Next time don't call when I'm meeting someone an appointment." Beomgyu said.

"But you said only your mo-" Taehyun said-ish.

"I know what I said." Beomgyu said rolling his eyes.

"I'm human too not an robot, chill." Taehyun said stopping his toes with the heel of his shoe.
( You know the fancy shoes men wear to fancy stuff)

"OW! TAEHYUN!?" Beomgyu said whinnying and pouting.

"Oh suck it up, let's go." Taehyun said walking away.


End of Ep1

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