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"Mr.Choi how could you not know one of like your best friends has a car?!" Taehyun said.

"He didn't have a car 3days ago! Nor did he tell me." Beomgyu tried explaining.

"Gosh you should be the one working for me all the hard work I do for you." Taehyun complained.

"I do work for you! I model so I can have money to pay you." Beomgyu said in defense.

"Well aren't I the one who sets up your appointments? Aren't I the one who protects you from crazy people even though I'm not a body guard? Aren't I the one who makes sure you wake up on time? I'm basically the one who feeds you! Choi Beomgyu, aren't I like your mom?" Taehyun basically asking.

"When you put it like that yeah kinda.." Beomgyu replied.

"You can't live without me." Taehyun said.

"Y-yes I can!" Beomgyu said in defense.

"Okay, let's have a bet I will go to a hotel for a day and you can't call me what so ever, if you do I win, even if you get in a car accident." Taehyun explained.

"You're so cruel Kang Taehyun...Okay bet." Beomgyu said.

"Okay I'll go pack my clothes I'll come back tomorrow!!" Taehyun said walking upstairs to his room.

"Sigh. . Will I need him? I mean it can't possibly be that bad without Taehyun. I'm a grown adult as well! I'm also older." Beomgyu thought to himself.

But little did Beomgyu know he was going to have one hell of a roller coaster of a day.


"Okay, Mr.Beomgyu I'm leaving. Please.. just don't die." Taehyun said.

"I won't die Taehyun!" Beomgyu said.
"Why? Will you miss me~" Beomgyu said putting a arm around Taehyun's shoulder.

"No, I just can stand at your funeral making fun of you." Taehyun said rolling his eyes.

"Oh my gosh Taehyun, you're so cold.." Beomgyu said removing his hand off of Taehyun.

"Bye, Mr.Choi!"  Taehyun said walking out the door.


"Wow it's already so lonely.." Beomgyu said.

"Aren't I supposed to be somewhere?" Beomgyu said to himself.

"OH SHIT! I HAVE A SHOOT TODAY! WHAT WAS IT ABOUT? I DON'T KNOW I GOTTA GO!" Beomgyu yelled running outside, but he then suddenly realized that he has no car, Beomgyu was doomed. He picked up his phone and no other choice.

"Soo- hm Soobin hyung-" Beomgyu kept pausing he thought it was weird calling a friend for help, he didn't know why though.

"Get to the point Beomgyu.." Soobin responded from the other side of the phone.

"Can you pick me up and take me to my shoot? You know since I don't have a car.." Beomgyu replied.

"Yeah sure, give me the address and I'll have it up so I can just pull it up when I get to your house." Soobin said.

"Uhhh..." Beomgyu was stuck, usually he would ask Taehyun but because of this stupid little bet he couldn't.

"You don't know where it is? Just ask Taehyun." Soobin responded.

"NO! I mean.. I can't, it's.. illegal?" Beomgyu had nothing else to say.

"Beomgyu what the hell... Why can't you?" Soobin replied.

"Ugh, I'll tell you later.." Beomgyu just gave up and hanged up, there was no choice. So Instead of a professional shoot why not an Instagram shoot?

 So Instead of a professional shoot why not an Instagram shoot?

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