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"Okay so Taehyun I have news." Beomgyu said scaring Taehyun.

"What is it?" Taehyun asked worried.

"They said yes! You're my model buddy after break! They accepted you actually so fast because they still remember you!" Beomgyu replied exicitedly.

"IM A MODEL NOW?!" Taehyun yelled still not believing his ears.

"Yes Taehyun, you are." Beomgyu replied giggling at Taehyun's yell.

Taehyun ran to Beomgyu and hugged him actually crying because this was his dream and Beomgyu made it come true.

"Taehyunie are you crying?" Beomgyu asked hearing the sniffles coming from Taehyun as he hugged back.

"No you are.." Taehyun muffled hugging Beomgyu tighter.

"I'll take that as a thank you as well as a yes." Beomgyu said.

Later that night they were cuddling each other and both fell asleep in Beomgyu's room. But when it was morning the both groaned not wanting to leave each other's arms.

"How about we both get up at the same time then you can walk over to me and we can hug each other and get ready together." Taehyun explained.

"Okay, what about showers?" Beomgyu asked.

"Definitely not, we will go in our separate showers!" Taehyun stated.

"Okay.." Beomgyu replied.

Soon the boys both got up and immediately hugged each other.
The boys ate together, brushed their teeth and hair together, they picked out outfits for each other. Everything they didn't do together was take showers and get dressed.

"Taehyunie let's go to this fair they're having it not so far from here." Beomgyu said.

"Okay~" Taehyun agreed getting up to go get his shoes.

The boys were now at the fair that seemed more like an big amusement park. Heads up Taehyun has a fear of rollercoasters.

"Let's go on that one!" Beomgyu said exicitedly pointing at one with the biggest drop.

"U-uhm, okay!" Taehyun said trying not to sound like a wuss.

"If you don't want to go we don't have to!" Beomgyu said reassuring Taehyun.

"Oh thank God you said that! I'm afraid of rollercoasters!" Taehyun said.
Or what he wanted to say, in reality he said something totally different.
"No I'm okay, I'm sure it'll be fun." Taehyun said actually making it convincing.

"Okay! Let's go!" Beomgyu replied cheerfully grabbing Taehyun's hand.
Some how this made Taehyun calmer until he looked at the rollercoaster, Taehyun started shaking in fear.

"Taehyun are you okay? No one is behind us we can leave." Beomgyu asked worriedly.

"I'm shaking because of excitement!" Taehyun yelled supposedly sounding like he's excited.

"Uh, okay.." Beomgyu replied not trusting Taehyun.

The boys finally made it to the front and the ride was right in front of their faces. The boys got in the middle part of the rollercoaster together still holding hands.
As soon as they were buckled in the ride started moving, but very slow just so the riders could take a breath and think about all their tearable choices like getting on this rollercoaster, that's exactly what Taehyun did.
The boys were on the top almost ready for the drop but Taehyun had something to confess.

"BEOMGYU IM REALLY AFRAID OF ROLLERCOASTERS AND I ONLY SAID YES I DIDN'T WANT TO BE A PAINKILLER!" Taehyun yelled at the top of his lungs before they went down. They held hands tightly as the ride continued to move.
But luckily for him the ride stopped so the ride only have the drop then a fast ending to your stop.
The boys got out of the ride with style.

"Taehyun why didn't you tell me?" Beomgyu asked.

"I told you I didn't want to be painkiller, as of why I thought I would be after you asking me 3 times and I still said I'm fine, I have no explanation.

Beomgyu felt like it was his fault for even thinking of going on the roller coaster in the 1st place. So he gave Taehyun hug.
Taehyun hugged back slowly not knowing why he suddenly gave him a hug but accepted it anyway.

"Let's just go home and eat snacks then watch a funny show." Beomgyu said letting go of Taehyun and then sneaking his hand around Taehyun's waist.

"Okay." Taehyun agreed as they walked back home together.


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