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"I was thinking about if you would rej-" Taehyun immediately covered his mouth not wanting to say anymore.

"Reject you? What would I reject you about and why would I do that?" Beomgyu asked.

Taehyun gave up.

"I'll tell you when we get to the park..." Taehyun said.

Taehyun felt uneasy almost as if he was about to faint or throw up any second.


"We're at the park now..." Beomgyu said as they sat down on a bench.

"I need a second..." Taehyun responded trying his best to catch his breath back to a steady paste.

"Taehyun it's okay... Calm down." Beomgyu said rubbing Taehyun's back to calm him down.

"Beomg- Beomgyu..."


"I- I-" Taehyun tried making out words.

Beomgyu looked at him confused yet the sun really complimented his eyes making them like like the were glowing and the soft look Beomgyu's eyes showed made Taehyun almost not want to tell him.

"Beomgyu I like you!" Taehyun confessed with blush surrounding his cheeks yet you can only see it if you moved his hair that was covering his face.

"What?" Beomgyu was shocked he couldn't believe it.

"Did Taehyun just- just say he likes me?!"

"I understand if you don't like me back! I just felt like I needed to te-" Taehyun was cut of with a Beomgyu's lips on his.

Taehyun did have tears in his eyes from fear after he told him and with happiness as soon as his lips touched his.

"I'm so fucking happy right now, you don't even understand..." Beomgyu said with tears coming out his eyes.

"Hyu- hyung?"

"I liked you ever since you became my manager..." Beomgyu confessed.

"You liked me for that long?!" Taehyun asked in shocked.

"Yeah... I always that you were cute and I tried so hard to become your friend and impress you." Beomgyu admitted.

"Wait so that means... Oh my gosh! I'm sorry about the phone number thing!" Taehyun apologized.

"Are you seriously apologizing for something that wasn't even your fault? You tend to do that a lot." Beomgyu said ruffling Taehyun's hair.

"And here I was thinking about kissing you again." Taehyun muffled.

"I can make that happen" Beomgyu said with a sudden of lust in his voice all the way to the expression in his eyes.

"I said I was thinking about kissing you." Taehyun said.

Taehyun closed his eyes and leaned in to peck Beomgyu on the lips.

"I could cry again honestly..." Beomgyu said as he wrapped his arms around Taehyun and nuzzled his head on top of his head.

"Pft- you look cute when you cry..." Taehyun admitted as he gave Taehyun another peck.

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