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As that Beomgyu finally came outside his room to go to Taehyun's.
As he stopped by the door before opening it he heard crying and wanted to make sure he was okay.
Beomgyu never intended for Taehyun to cry nor get mad at him, he realized he was being WAY overly dramatic and also realized the Taehyun must think all the things he worried about was true.

"none of this would've happened if I would have said I accepted the apology.." Beomgyu thought.

Beomgyu finally opened the door and his eyes soften in sadness and regret when he saw Taehyun crying.
Taehyun couldn't see anything because his eyes were shut, and possibly didn't hear Beomgyu walk in because he jumped when he heard Beomgyu speak.

"Taehyun are you okay?.." Beomgyu asked in a soft voice not wanting to be harsh after his whole dramatic scene.

"Y-yes, I'm fine" Taehyun replied back in stutter, wiping his tears.

"I'm sorry-" Beomgyu tried apologizing before getting cut off.

"No, it's my fault, I should've told you I was friends with Kai, I don't know why I didn't tell you.. But I promise I don't think you're a cold person! Beomgyu I know you're a very reliable person, I was just scared and I guess out of my mind when I agreed to what Kai asked me, and first instinct was to say yes." Taehyun explained.

"But I shouldn't have acted like that, I'm sorry Taehyun.. I'm sorry I put so much worry in your shoulders, I just thought you didn't trust me.." Beomgyu explained looking in to Taehyun's eyes.

"But-" Taehyun said getting cut off.

"Oh my gosh just shut up already!" Beomgyu complained before pushing Taehyun's hair behind his ears.

"Red hair looks good on you." Beomgyu said grinning.

"Thank you?" Taehyun replied or asked.

"You're a confusing guy.." Beomgyu said ruffling Taehyun's hair.

"Right back at ya." Taehyun replied giggling totally forgetting the room was field with emotional air.
(Totally makes sense)

"I guess it's going to be louder when we start inviting you to our hangouts." Beomgyu said moving behind Taehyun.

"Wait.. Really? What about-" Taehyun asked getting cut off.

"Yes really, and I don't care about them anymore Soobin said no more party's, or at least with them." Beomgyu replied.

"Okay.. but like I'm still your manager." Taehyun reminded Beomgyu basically trying to explain he will still have to be busy.

"Well then can my sweet little manager please let me have a 3month break?" Beomgyu asked pleading with puppy eyes.

"I'll see what I can do.." Taehyun replied rolling his eyes at the nickname.

"Thank you Taehyunie~" Beomgyu said now playing with Taehyun's hair.

"You're welcome" Taehyun said.

While Beomgyu was playing with Taehyun's hair Taehyun was almost falling asleep because he was tired after everything that happened and was tired because Beomgyu playing with his hair was quite calming.

The Taehyun soon fell asleep cuddling Beomgyu, while Beomgyu was still playing with Taehyun's hair he suddenly stopped just to look at Taehyun's face. His friends was just making fun of Beomgyu just because the clingy movements that he did to Taehyun, but what they didn't know was that Beomgyu does has a crush on Taehyun but was just good at hiding it throughout the years until now, he never really cared about his face he loved his personality but even Taehyun finally opened up to him he felt happy, that's why he was so mad only because he was scared that Taehyun was just acting like he trust him until the whole confession.

Beomgyu knew what he was about to do was wrong but when he was supposed to look at his face his eyes just kept going back to his lips, he couldn't help it anymore, it was his chance, he's sleep no one to stop him so why not just go in.
Beomgyu blocked anything that could possibly happen and put his lips on his. He didn't regret it one bit, but of course he has to take a picture of him!! That just doesn't feel right not to..

 He didn't regret it one bit, but of course he has to take a picture of him!! That just doesn't feel right not to

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+•×•+This one is shorter because yuh

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This one is shorter because yuh..

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