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It was already the next day, Taehyun felt amazing while Beomgyu felt miserable, yeah he had his friends but it was boring, he didn't know why but it just felt empty.

"Hey, Kai are you ready to go?" Taehyun asked.

"Yeah, but can I walk with you there they shouldn't be wondering why we both came I'll just come in a little after." Kai said.

"Okay let's go." Taehyun said.
The boys finally made it to the house.

"Okay Kai you stand there I'll go in." Taehyun explained.

"Okay" Kai replied standing to where Taehyun told him to.

Taehyun opened the door to a mess.. 3 grown men on the floor with food everywhere.. how could someone peacefully eat this much food in a mess!


When Beomgyu heard that he immediately shot his head up knowing he was going to get the scold of his life..


"GOODNESS!!!" Taehyun yelled in a scary tone.

"Uh, Taehyun don't look at me it was them." Beomgyu said trying to escape the scold.

"ALL THREE OF YOU! Up. Stairs. Now." Taehyun threatened the three boys who flinched at his word's.

"Also your friend is here, BUT YOU WON'T EVER SEE HIM AGAIN!" Taehyun yelled at the boys who were already making their way up the stairs.
All Kai could hear was crying and yelling up stairs, he knew it was wrong to laugh but he was almost dying of laughter.

All three of the boys walked down stairs with their hand over their butt with Taehyun with his arms crossed.

"I can't believe you betrayed me for some new best friend!" Beomgyu said being dramatic.

"Well if you saw them you would understand why I picked them over you, especially just for one night." Kai explained rolling his eyes.

"Okay then show me them." Beomgyu replied.

Kai looked at Taehyun just to see Taehyun nodding his head no really fast but some how not getting caught.

"N-no I can't." Kai stuttered but still managing to make a sentence.

"Why? Why are you looking away? Why are you stuttering? Why can't we meet him?" Beomgyu asked.

"Because he doesn't like meeting new people and has trust issues so I'm his only friend." Kai said pretending this was all true to be honest he didn't really know. He looked over to Taehyun for approval and saw Taehyun agreeing.

"Oh..well why won't he let us meet him?" Beomgyu asked just trying to find an excuse.

"I.. just... told you!" Kai replied already over Beomgyu.

"Ok sorry." Beomgyu said knowing he didn't really mean it.

"Hey Kai, how about you bring your friend to a cafe with us if they don't feel comfortable talking with us they can just give us hands signs or bring a note pad along." YeonJun said just trying to give him a real answer, he wasn't interested at first but now he's just dying to know.

"Fine." Kai didn't think anything over, but once he did he took a glace at Taehyun and regretted ever saying yes.

"Ask them if tomorrow is ok so tomorrow we'll be together by 3pm if that's okay." Soobin said.

"Uh.. okay" Kai said unsure how he was going to do this.


It's currently 6pm Taehyun and Beomgyu just came back from Beomgyu's shoot and they were laying on the couch swiping in their phones.

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