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+•×•+ big time skip to 2 months later.

It was the day before Taehyun became an official model with Beomgyu, the next day they are supposed to do their first shoot together, Taehyun had to remake his account to the business account, but he barely changed anything.

Since Taehyun was still Beomgyu's manager he still had to figure out everything the day before both their shoots. He didn't feel like doing much work but since he actually knew a friend he hasn't talked to in a while knowing that they're still looking to be a manger was perfect timing a little late but on time.

"Hey are you still looking to be a manager?" Taehyun asked.

"Yes I am how'd you know?" ** Responded

"Okay well.. would you like to work for me and Beomgyu?" Taehyun asked.

"Of course! I've always wanted to be a personal manager for a model their always sometimes the closes!" ** Exclaimed.

"Ok thanks hyung!" Taehyun thanked.

"No problem Taehyun, you're actually doing me a favor! How much do I get paid?" ** Asked.

"You'll get paid $15 an hour for 15hours." Taehyun explained.

"So..15...$225 everyday.. I'll have $1,575 by the end of the month estimated I'll have..$48,825..End of year I'll have $17,821,125! I can deal with this~" ** exclaimed.

"Chill Hope hyung.." Taehyun replied giggling.

"So I start today or..?" Hoseok asked.

"You start first thing tomorrow. I'll manage waking up." Taehyun responded.

"Okay Taehyun I'll see you tomorrow!" Hoseok said.

"K hyung, see ya." Taehyun replied hanging up.

"Who was that?" Beomgyu asked.

"Hoseok hyung he's our manager!" Taehyun replied walking to Beomgyu.

"You mean the famous manager that has worked for so many models?! You're friends with THE Jung Hoseok?!" Beomgyu exclaimed standing up.

"Yes I am, he's my brothers best friend but me and him are just really close but we wouldn't call ourselves best friends nor brothers, out relationship is weird. but one time I invited Kai the same day Hope hyung was coming over and I felt so betrayed because he likes Kai more, but I can't judge him only difference if it was you." Taehyun explained.

"What do you mean if it was me?" Beomgyu asked.

"Nothing~" Taehyun responded giggling.

"If you weren't so cute I'd totally kill you right now." Beomgyu mumbled.

"What? What you say? You think I'm cute?" Taehyun asked teasing Beomgyu.

"Is the Kang Taehyun liking it?" Beomgyu teased back.

"You wish." Taehyun replied.

"Maybe I do." Beomgyu said.

"Weirdo.." Taehyun said walking over to Beomgyu to go sit down on the couch.

"I am for you~" Beomgyu said wrapping his arms around Taehyun.

"I love our relationship.." Taehyun said hugging Beomgyu back.

"How?" Beomgyu asked looking at Taehyun in the eyes.

"Because like now we tell each other almost everything! We also care for each other it's not as special but it's special to me. I also just love your presence." Taehyun explained nuzzling his head on Beomgyu's neck.

"I love your presence too.." Beomgyu replied.

"I'm not ready for tomorrow.. Only because you'll be looking, I've been your manager for like 2-3 years now I can't possibly try posing in front of being professional." Taehyun explained.

"But Taehyun..." Beomgyu said cupping his hands on Taehyun's face so he can look at him.

"Wha?" Taehyun asked.

"Why?" Beomgyu asked.

"I don't know because I've been with you for so long it's your like that one friend who makes you laugh at inappropriate times in class." Taehyun explained.

"Oh... So you love me." Beomgyu replied innocently not meaning it in a lovers pov.

"As a best friend yes." Taehyun replied without hesitating snuggling back in the crook of Beomgyu's neck.

"Glad." Beomgyu replied wrapping his arms around Taehyun's waist.

"We have until tomorrow for our first shoot let's just take a nap.." Taehyun said closing his eyes.

"Okay.." Beomgyu agreed hugging Taehyun's waist.

+×+ next day..

Beomgyu and Taehyun slept all day and woke up the next day at 4am in the morning, Taehyun thought this was the perfect time to get up and get ready but Beomgyu on the other hand was complaining until Taehyun finally got him to get up. If you really wanna know how it went a little like..

"Beomgyu you have to get up..I woke up at 4 it already 6:30!!" Taehyun explained.

"But I'm tired.." Beomgyu complained

"I'll give you a kiss if you get up~" Taehyun said not really meaning what he said.

Beomgyu quickly got up without hesitation. Once both just realized what Beomgyu did they blushed a flaming red.

"I- uhm.." Beomgyu struggled to make words come out his mouth.

"Well I guess I have to now r-right?" Taehyun said.

"Actually Taehyun I um I'm fine maybe next time I'll go get ready!" Beomgyu replied running off.

Shorter then normal but you've been waiting to long.

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