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"Taehyun-ah you ready to go to the photo shoot? Hoseok hyung is coming soon." Beomgyu asked peaking in Taehyun's room.

"Y-yeah, I just need to tie my shoes and put on a coat." Taehyun responded.

Once Taehyun was done there was a knock on the door.

"Must be Hyung.. let's go!" Beomgyu said locking his hands with Taehyun's.

"Hi hyung!" Beomgyu said as he opened the door and saw his familiar hyung.

"Hey! You guys ready?" Hoseok asked.


"Okay, let's go!" Hoseok said walking towards the car.

The boys followed behind him stepping into the car.

"You guys are going to be wearing suits today, but there is going to be someone else joining the shoot." Hoseok explained starting the car.

"Who's going to be at the shoot?" Taehyun asked.

"I dunno." Hoseok answered with a shrug.

"What do you mean you don't know?" Taehyun asked.

"They never told me." Hoseok responded, not really telling the truth.

Taehyun tried glaring at Hoseok to get answers through the rear view mirror but Hoseok just moved it so it was only facing the window in the back.

"Don't worry Taehyun-ah.. it'll be fine~" Beomgyu said tightening his hand that was intertwined with Taehyun's.

"How do I know that?" Taehyun asked pouting a bit yet still grinding his teeth.

"Taehyun-ah calm down.." Beomgyu said looking at Taehyun.

Taehyun did indeed calm down a bit once he looked at Beomgyu but he still couldn't help but to worry.

"I'll still going to worry." Taehyun said putting his head down on the head rest.

"Well you don't have to.." Beomgyu tried reassuring.

Taehyun closed his eyes and took a deep breath before he sat straight up again.

"Okay hyung.."

Beomgyu smiled at Taehyun's words knowing he was still nervous yet he knew well he calmed him down.

"Okay, we're here!" Hoseok said as he parked the car.

The boys immediately got out the car once it was parked. And Taehyun immediately intertwined his fingers with Beomgyu once he was next to him.

Beomgyu was basically in front of the nervous Taehyun but still held onto his hand as they walked inside.

"Welcome to the shoot! You two get dressed in the dressing room over there and once you guys are done the makeup crew will be right over." The photographer explained.

The boys nodded and walked over to the dressing rooms together.

Once Taehyun was done he looked at himself in the mirror admiring the makeup on his face and the tight suit, side part, with glasses. He thought he looked stunning.

Taehyun kept admiring himself until he was disrupted by Beomgyu walking towards him.

"Wow.. Hyung, you look stunning!" Taehyun said looking at the beautiful Beomgyu in front of him.

Beomgyu was also wearing a suit just you could tell it was a little bit less tighter than the other, his hair was styled where is forehead was covered but you could still see his eyes, he wore a black choker as well.

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