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Next day.

"Hey, Beomgyu..?" Taehyun called as he walked downstairs seeing Beomgyu leaning on the counter while he was scrolling on his phone.

"Are you looking for me, or are you asking me a question?" Beomgyu asked as he watched Taehyun walked towards him.

"You know how the other day I was... You know- Uhm... Have I've been acting to soft lately?" Taehyun asked.

"Second time asking..." Beomgyu mumbled.

"How about this, instead of you not finding a reason to become frustrated, you're just becoming more happy. Once you became my manager it was shortly after "I stole your spotlight." So you had a reason to dislike me, but over the years or months... You've been able to except that, not only growing into becoming my friend but into becoming my boyfriend~" Beomgyu explained while he put his arms around Taehyun while he leaned his head on Taehyun's shoulder.

"Anyways, Tyun" Beomgyu said.

"Yeah?" Taehyun responded.

"What if we don't tell them we're together but like what if we invite them somewhere and just start acting lovey-dovey to each other and then when they start asking questions we're like "You don't know we're dating?" And then they'll be like WHAT!?" Beomgyu explained as he acted it out.

"Fine, we can do that, but we need to eat breakfast and get ready then." Taehyun agreed.

"Okay, I'm taking you out then." Beomgyu said.

"Huh, where?" Taehyun asked.

"To another Cafe I found but it's only breakfast food." Beomgyu explained.

"Wait, breakfast all day or only in the morning?" Taehyun asked.

"All day." Beomgyu answered.

"Mk. Anyways- I'm going to get ready." Taehyun said while he turned around to walk upstairs.

Beomgyu followed right behind him but instead of walking to Taehyun's room he walked into his own.

Taehyun wore a cute sweater with some normal jeans. Beomgyu wore a white hoodie with black baggy jeans.

"You look comfortable." Taehyun said once he saw Beomgyu come out.

"I don't want to be uncomfortable when I kiss you~" Beomgyu responded before kissing Taehyun on the cheek.

"Save it for later or else you'll be sick of it." Taehyun said.

"But you're so cute~" Beomgyu said while he put his cheek on Taehyun's cheek.

"Well I'm gone!" Taehyun said as he got the keys and ran out the house.

"WAIT, TAEHYUN, NO FAIR!!" Beomgyu yelled out, as he followed Taehyun from behind.

"You're just too slow!" Taehyun said as he ran into the passenger seat of the car before he threw the keys on the driver's seat.

Beomgyu soon came in after slowing down once he saw Taehyun was already in the car.

"You're a big weirdo..." Beomgyu said while he ruffled Taehyun's hair.

"Stop treating me like a child!" Taehyun said while he glared at Beomgyu.

"You sure are acting like one, also that came out of nowhere." Beomgyu responded while he started the car and pulled out the driveway.

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