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" Do you guys think you can live like this?" Hoseok asked.

"Yeah, I guess..." Taehyun responded looking out the window.

"Why'd you say it like that?" Beomgyu asked wrapping his arm around Taehyun's and leaning his head on Taehyun's shoulder.

"No reason, just hoping life will be easy in this model industry. I know it'll have some ups and downs but I got hope..." Taehyun explains.

"Okay, but I'll try my best for you. For us. We'll probably be the best models because of you." Beomgyu says slightly punching Taehyun's shoulder.

"Thanks, hyung," Taehyun says with a small smile.

"Guys, we're here!" Hoseok speaks up.

"Thanks hope hyung! See you!" Taehyun says jumping out of the car alongside Beomgyu.

"Today has been a long day let's relax!" Beomgyu says.

"Cool." Is it the only words Taehyun said before they walked into the house?

The boys both plopped on the couch and groaned.

"We're acting as if we saw someone we hated and had to forcefully take pictures with them." Beomgyu jokes.

"Haha, funny." Taehyun replies.

"So are you going to tell me about this brother of yours? I'm not trying to push you into telling me! I just want to learn more about you..." Beomgyu asked trying his best not to pressure Taehyun.

"Wow.. That was pretty sudden.. But uhm sure?" Taehyun agreed but you could clearly see he was getting uncomfortable.

"So my brother is pretty popular and almost everybody knows him.. He's only 6 years older than me.. But the only reason I never told him about it is because he makes me feel insecure and he reminds me of my failures.." Taehyun admitted.

Beomgyu didn't say anything and waited for Taehyun to continue.

"I haven't talked to him in a long time because of this and I'm still scared to text him because I'm afraid if he remembers me or if even want's to talk to me, but it doesn't matter anyways because I can't even look at a picture of him without feeling jealous.. He's just so much better than me.. That's why he became a model 1st.. He's also the favorite in my family and they just use me to get closer to him.. I'm sure they love me, but when anyone's around him they feel happier and ignore me while I suffer with this hurtful pressure I'll be good enough.." Taehyun explained while shedding tears.

"So the reason you never sabotaged me was because you really had nothing against me.. It was because you knew it was your family or brother that made you feel worthless to the point sabotaging sounds like it would be the only thing  to get recognition." Beomgyu said helping himself understand.

Taehyun nodded not wanting to speak because of the lump in his throat.

"Taehyun, I don't care about your family but you are the most beautiful person I've ever seen in my entire life. You are precious and kind, as well as doing an amazing job at your job. You aren't selfish yet you still make time for yourself whenever you can. You have the best personality anyone could ask for and you have the face that people would think it's unreal because it's so beautiful." Beomgyu explained moving Taehyuns chin for him to look at him.

"If I told you my brother's name you would say it was a mistake saying that..." Taehyun said looking away.

"Then tell me, I'm the one to decide." Beomgyu responded.

"Kim Taehyung." Taehyun said.

Beomgyu just shrugged his arms implying he didn't really care.

"You're 100 times better.. So are you guys step brothers?" Beomgyu asked.

"No I just have my mom's last name because our parents divorced a week before I was born so I took her last name." Taehyun explained.

Beomgyu nodded in return but had to say one more thing.

"Taehyun." Beomgyu called.

"Yes?" Taehyun answerd.

"You'll always be my #1." Beomgyu reassured.

Taehyun smiled while whipping his dried tears while shortly after hugging Beomgyu.

Beomgyu hugged back enjoying the fact he made Taehyun happy.

What do you guys want to happen next? I'm all ears, or eyes.

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