Adventures in a pit

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Raw throat from unanswered screaming

A head filled with pain after bashing it against the wall

Chewed down nails, red poking out

Red face

Tear soaked pillows


Wake up





Fingers holding strands of freshly ripped out hair





And again

And again

How long can one hold onto a rope

When that rope is already close to breaking

And you can't call for someone to bring you a new one

It's not their problem

It's mine

It's always been mine

If I fall...

I fall alone

But I can't fall

I can't let the others try to dive into the pits of despair after me

More tears soak the already drenched pillow

I don't care

I always was pathetic

Might as well look it too

I can laugh it off later

When I can barely recognize my own voice

When none of it feels real

When my smiles are back to being fake


How much else is fake?

It's hard to tell truth from lie

When you spend most of your days lying

To yourself

To everyone else

To anything

In the fight

The desperate fight

To hold onto that rope

Without letting anyone see as it slowly breaks

More and more

And you continue to break with it...

Slowly losing yourself

All over again

How many times have I already slipped?

What will be the final time?

Will I ever truly be free

If I do get back out of the hole? 

Does it even matter?

I bet I'll still feel crazy

Because no one else can see that rope

As it crumbles beneath my fingertips

But hey

What's new?

Certainly not this

It's comforting almost


I hate sunlight

So maybe it's better I stay

In the pitch dark hole of my never stopping mind...

I'm back to that point

That wonderful point

The one that feels the most calming

While also filled with panic

A point of realization

That despite the desperate fighting

A hope

That the rope can just snap already

And it wouldn't be my fault

Because I did try

I fought with everything I had to make it out



Another lie

I know it...

Because how are you supposed to fight with everything you have

In a fight half of you is just ready to lose already?

But what's one more lie?

It's nothing...

So I tried my best

I'm trying my best



New song got released today. Declined by Britton. Really good song

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